
We recommend that you use the xamDataGrid control instead of the xamGrid control. The xamGrid is being planned for retirement over the next few years and will not receive any new features. We will continue to provide support and critical bug fixes for the xamGrid during this time. For help or questions on migrating your codebase to the xamDataGrid, please contact support.

Disable Sorting on Certain Columns

You can disable sorting on certain columns on xamGrid™, even though you have enabled sorting on the entire grid. For example if you have a fixed column you may not want your end users to sort on this column.

To achieve this, you simply set the Column object’s IsSortable property to false, as demonstrated in the following code snippet.


<ig:TextColumn Key="ProductID" IsSortable="False" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Controls.Grids
Dim UnsortableColumn As Column = Me.MyGrid.Columns.DataColumns("ProductName")
UnsortableColumn.IsSortable = False

In C#:

using Infragistics.Controls.Grids;
Column UnsortableColumn = this.MyGrid.Columns.DataColumns["ProductName"];
UnsortableColumn.IsSortable = false;