| Class | Description |
| AdvancedFilterFieldAddLabelConditionCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will add a new label condition. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldClearLabelConditionsCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will clear all label conditions. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldCommandSource | The command source object for AdvancedFilterFieldControl object. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldControl | Visual object for the UI of advanced filtering of Row/Column labels feature. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldItemControl | Visual object for the field that is droped in column, row or filter area of the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.XamPivotGrid when advanced filtering is enabled. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldRemoveLabelConditionCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will remove a specific label condition. |
| AdvancedFilterFieldSelectHierarchySubTreeCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will select a subtree from the items in a Infragistics.Olap.IFilterViewModel's hierarchy. |
| CalculatedFieldItemControl | Visual object for custom field added to row or column drop areas. |
| ColumnsFieldDropAreaControl | Visual object for the fields in rows drop area. |
| ExpandableFieldItemCancelCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will execute a Cancel action on the ExpandableFieldItemControl. |
| ExpandableFieldItemCommandSource | The command source object for ExpandableFieldItemControl object. |
| ExpandableFieldItemControl | Provides base functionalities of field item control with support of additional, popup hosted, area expand/collapse. |
| ExpandableFieldItemOKCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will execute an OK action on the ExpandableFieldItemControl. |
| ExpandableFieldItemStartPeekCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will initiate the Peek state. |
| ExpandableFieldItemStopPeekCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will remove the Peek state. |
| FieldItemControl | Base visual object for the field that is droped in any of drop areas. |
| FieldMeasuresItemControl | Visual object represents the field when 2 or more measures are dropped in measure area. |
| FieldsDropAreaControl | Base class for fields drop areas in Infragistics.Controls.Grids.XamPivotGrid. |
| FilterFieldItemControl | Visual object for the field that is droped in column, row or filter area of the Infragistics.Controls.Grids.XamPivotGrid. |
| FiltersFieldDropAreaControl | Visual object for the fields in rows drop area. |
| MeasureFieldItemControl | Visual object for the field that is droped in measure area. |
| MeasureFilterFieldAddValueConditionCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will add a new Infragistics.Olap.IValueConditionViewModel to the Infragistics.Olap.IFilterableMeasureViewModel view model of the MeasureFilterFieldControl. |
| MeasureFilterFieldClearValueConditionsCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will clear all Infragistics.Olap.IValueConditionViewModel from the Infragistics.Olap.IFilterableMeasureViewModel view model of the MeasureFilterFieldControl. |
| MeasureFilterFieldCommandSource | The command source object for MeasureFilterFieldControl object. |
| MeasureFilterFieldControl | Represents the UI of the expandable part of a MeasureFieldItemControl. |
| MeasureFilterFieldItemControl | Visual object for the field that is droped in measure area if advanced filtering is enabled. |
| MeasureFilterFieldRemoveValueConditionCommand | Represents an System.Windows.Input.ICommand that will remove a specific Infragistics.Olap.IValueConditionViewModel from the Infragistics.Olap.IFilterableMeasureViewModel view model of the MeasureFilterFieldControl. |
| MeasuresFieldDropAreaControl | Visual object for the fields in measure drop area. |
| PivotGridFieldsDropAreaControl | Base visual object for the all fields drop areas. |
| PivotResizingIndicator | A control that shows a visual indication of where an object will be resized. |
| PivotSortAscendingCommand | A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will sort in an ascending manner. |
| PivotSortDescendingCommand | A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will sort in an descending manner. |
| PivotSortingBaseCommand | Base class for Sorting commands which encapsulates shared logic. |
| PivotSortToggleCommand | A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will change the sort order. |
| PivotUnsortCommand | A Infragistics.CommandBase object that will unsort. |
| RowsFieldDropAreaControl | Visual object for the fields in rows drop area. |
| SingleSpinPanel | A panel arranges the first child rotated on defined Angle. |
| VerticalTextBlock | Represents control which can render its content on define angle |
| XamInput | Visual object that update binding source on text changed event |