
TimescaleBandBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TimescaleBandBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyHorizontalAlignmentReturns or sets a value indicating the horizontal content alignment of the intervals for this band  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyHasListeners (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected Internal PropertyUnitCountResolvedReturns the number of time units that the band provides.  
Protected Internal PropertyUnitResolvedReturns the type of time unit that the band provides.  
Protected Methods
Protected Internal MethodFormatRangeReturns a string representation of the specified range for display in the header area.  
Protected Internal MethodGetAdjacentUsed to obtain the adjacent DateRange  
Protected Internal MethodGetStartUsed to obtain the DateRange for an interval based on the specified relative date.  
Protected Internal MethodInvalidateIntervalsUsed to notify listeners that the criteria for calculating the intervals has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnFirstListenerAdding (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnHasListenersChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifierExtended)
Protected MethodRaisePropertyChangedEvent (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
Protected MethodSetField<T> (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifierExtended)
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.PropertyChangeNotifier)
See Also