
ISmartPlaceable Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISmartPlaceable.

Public Properties
 PropertyOpacitySets or gets the opacity of the current object.  
 PropertySmartPositionGets or sets the position of the current object.  
Public Methods
 MethodGetSmartBoundsGets the bounds of the current object if it were placed at the specified position.  
 MethodGetSmartPositionsGets an array of valid positions for the current object. Objects can individually place restrictions on where they can be placed, although in reality it's more likely that they'll just return a static array. The order of the valid positions has some significance, in that although the placer will choose the best overall position, it will stop searching as soon as it finds an ideal one. The upshot of all of this is that you should return an array sorted in order of preferred placement.  
See Also