
VisualStates Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by VisualStates.

Public Fields
Public FieldGroupCommonCommon state group.  
Public FieldGroupFocusFocus state group.  
Public FieldGroupSelectionSelection state group.  
Public FieldGroupVisibilityBusyDisplay group.  
Public FieldStateDisabledDisabled state of the Common state group.  
Public FieldStateFocusedFocused state of the Focus state group.  
Public FieldStateHiddenHidden state name for BusyIndicator.  
Public FieldStateMouseOverMouseOver state of the Common state group.  
Public FieldStateNormalNormal state of the Common state group.  
Public FieldStatePressedPressed state of the Common state group.  
Public FieldStateReadOnlyNormal state of the Common state group.  
Public FieldStateSelectedSelected state of the Selection state group.  
Public FieldStateSelectedInactiveSelected inactive state of the Selection state group.  
Public FieldStateUnfocusedUnfocused state of the Focus state group.  
Public FieldStateUnselectedUnselected state of the Selection state group.  
Public FieldStateVisibleVisible state name for BusyIndicator.  
Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetImplementationRootGets the implementation root of the Control.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GoToStateUse VisualStateManager to change the visual state of the control.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)TryGetVisualStateGroupThis method tries to get the named VisualStateGroup for the dependency object. The provided object's ImplementationRoot will be looked up in this call.  
See Also