
IFilterSource Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IFilterSource.

Public Properties
 PropertyFilterSourceListenersGets the collection of all filter source listeners currently attached to this instance.  
 PropertyIsChangeSourceGets a value indicating whether this instance is source of change that may affect other filter source instances.  
 PropertyIsReferenceExcludedGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is excluded by the changes provoked by another IFilterSource.  
 PropertyIsSelectedGets or sets the selection state of this instance.  
 PropertyMemberGets the member instance which this instance is related to.  
 PropertyViewModelGets the view model instance which this instance is related to.  
Public Methods
 MethodAddFilterSourceListenerAdds the filter source listener.  
 MethodRemoveFilterSourceListenerRemoves the filter source listener.  
See Also