
Infragistics.Controls.Interactions Namespace

ClassDictionaryLoadProgressDialog The control shows the progress while the dictionary is downloaded from uri location.
ClassPerformanceOptions Class which contains the options which influence to performance of spelling
ClassSpellCheckCompletedEventArgs Event args for the XamSpellChecker.SpellCheckCompleted event.
ClassSpellCheckerDialogRootPanel A panel that should used as the Root Element of the XamSpellCheckerDialogWindow
ClassSpellOptions The SpellOptions class lists properties which determine how the spell check operation will proceed and react to issues found in the text.
ClassXamSpellChecker A visual representation allowing a user to spellcheck a string.
ClassXamSpellCheckerCommandSource The command source object for XamSpellChecker object.
ClassXamSpellCheckerDialogCommandSource The command source object for XamSpellCheckerDialogWindow object.
ClassXamSpellCheckerDialogSettings Contains the properties for the XamSpellCheckerDialogWindow.
ClassXamSpellCheckerDialogWindow The Dialog displayed by the XamSpellChecker.
EnumerationLanguageType Enumeration of language types.
EnumerationSpellCheckingMode Whether the dialog will be modal.
EnumerationSuggestionsMethod The type of Suggestions that will be returned.
EnumerationXamSpellCheckerCommand An enumeration of available commands for the XamSpellChecker object.
EnumerationXamSpellCheckerDialogCommand An enumeration of available commands for the XamSpellCheckerDialogWindow object.
See Also