| Name | Description |
| AcceptPendingCommit | Accepts a pending commit. |
| AcceptPendingTransaction | Accept a specific pending transaction. |
| AddItem | Adds the provided item to the data source. |
| CancelEdits | Cancels all the current edits. |
| ClearPinnedRows | |
| ClearValue | Overloaded. Clears the local value of a property. The property to be cleared is specified by a System.Windows.DependencyProperty identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Clone | Clones this data source instance, copying the summary, grouping, filter and sorting settings into the new instance. |
| CloneProperties | Clones the properties over to the provided datasource. |
| CoerceValue | Coerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any System.Windows.CoerceValueCallback function specified in property metadata for the dependency property as it exists on the calling System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| CommitEdits | Commit the current edits to the datasource. |
| Equals | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| FlushAutoRefresh | |
| GetAggregatedChanges | Returns a set of changes that have been made to the data however have not been committed yet. |
| GetHashCode | Gets a hash code for this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| GetIsRowExpandedAtIndex | |
| GetItemAtIndex | |
| GetItemProperty | |
| GetItemPropertyAtIndex | |
| GetLocalValueEnumerator | Creates a specialized enumerator for determining which dependency properties have locally set values on this System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| GetMainValuePath | |
| GetRootSummaryResults | Gets the summary results for the root level. |
| GetRootSummaryRowCount | Gets the number of summary rows at the root level. |
| GetRowLevel | |
| GetRowType | |
| GetSectionSummaryResults | Gets the summary results for a specific section. |
| GetStickyRowPriority | |
| GetStickyRows | |
| GetStickyRowsInRange | |
| GetTransactionErrorByID | Returns an error, if any, associated with a specific transaction. |
| GetTransactionErrorByKey | Returns an error, if any, associated with the provided key and property pair that exists in the current pending transactions. |
| GetTransactionID | Returns the ID of the pending transaction associated with the key and property pair. |
| GetValue | Returns the current effective value of a dependency property on this instance of a System.Windows.DependencyObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| HasAdd | Returns whether the item is an uncommitted add. |
| HasDelete | Returns whether the item has an uncommitted delete. |
| HasEdit | Returns whether the data source contains an uncommitted edit for a specific property. |
| IndexOfItem | |
| IndexOfKey | |
| InvalidateProperty | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| IsExclusivelySticky | |
| IsPendingCommit | Returns whether a commit is pending or not. |
| IsPendingTransaction | Returns whether a transaction pending or not. |
| IsPlaceholderItem | |
| IsRowPinned | |
| IsRowSpanning | |
| NotifyClearItems | |
| NotifyInsertItem | |
| NotifyRemoveItem | |
| NotifySetItem | |
| PinRow | |
| QueueAutoRefresh | |
| ReadLocalValue | Returns the local value of a dependency property, if it exists. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Redo | Redo the last undo. |
| Refresh | |
| RejectPendingCommit | Reject a pending commit. |
| RejectPendingTransaction | Rejects a pending transaction. |
| RemoveItem | Removes an item from the datasource. |
| RemoveItemByKey | Removes an item with the specified key. |
| ResolveSchemaPropertyType | |
| SetCurrentValue | (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| SetIsRowExpandedAtIndex | |
| SetTransactionError | Associate an error with a specific pending transaction. |
| SetValue | Overloaded. Sets the local value of a dependency property, specified by its dependency property identifier. (Inherited from System.Windows.DependencyObject) |
| Undo | Undo the last edit. |
| UnpinRow | |
| UpdatePropertyAtKey | Updates the value of a property in an item that matches the specified. |