
Infragistics Namespace

ClassAngleSimplifier Class for simplifying angles.
ClassAppearanceHelper Assists in storing information about chart visual appearance.
ClassArcSegmentData Information data about an arc segment.
ClassArrayUtil Utility class for array operations.
ClassAxisBase Base class for axes.
ClassBezierSegmentData Information data about a bezier segment.
ClassBrushAppearanceData Describes appearance information about Brush data
ClassBrushCollection Simple collection of Brush objects
ClassBrushCollectionUtil Class with static functions for working with collections of brushes.
ClassBrushUtil Utility class for brush-based operations.
ClassColorConverter Utility class for converting strings to colors.
ClassColorData Describes appearance information about a color
ClassColorUtil Utility class for color-based operations.
ClassCoreGeometryUtil Utility class for geometry operations.
ClassCultureInfoHelper Provides culture methods.
ClassCursorTypeConverter TypeConverter class for cursors.
ClassDataMapping Defines a mapping between database and internal property names.
ClassDataMapping.Converter Converts instances of other types to and from a DataMapping.
ClassDataMappingPair Represents a correspondence between an internal and external attribute name.
ClassDateTimeConverter TypeConverter class for DateTime objects.
ClassDefaultTool Mouse interaction helper class.
ClassDispatcherUtil Represents an utility for working with actions
ClassDoubleValueChangedEventArgs Provides data for double value change events.
ClassEllipseGeometryData Describes visual information for an ellipse geometry.
ClassEllipseVisualData Describes visual information for an ellipse visual.
ClassEncodingsCollection Collection class for list of IEncoding objects.
ClassErrorMessageDisplayingEventArgs Provides data for the ErrorMessageDisplaying event.
ClassExtensions Class containing extension methods used by Infragistics Data Visualization.
ClassFastReflectionHelper A reflection strategy that uses either traditional reflection or compiled lambda expressions to get property values from an object.
ClassFlattenerSettings A singleton set of settings for the flattener to resolve various edge cases.
ClassGeometryData Describes visual information for a geometry visual.
ClassGeometryUtil Utility class for geometry operations.
ClassGetPointsSettings Describes how point saliency is determined.
ClassGradientStopAppearanceData Describes appearance information about Gradient Stop.
ClassGroupBy Represents IEnumerable object that groups an item source by a column and then flattens the results into rows using the key column
ClassGroupingBase Base class for grouping collections by key.
ClassHashPool<TKey,TValue> An implementation of a hash mapped pool.
ClassHighlightingInfo Contains contextual information about a highlighting.
ClassHighlightingManager Class for managing highlighting operations.
ClassInputContext Class used to store contextual information about mouse and keyboard input.
ClassInteractionHelper The InteractionHelper provides controls with support for all of the common interactions like mouse movement, mouse clicks, key presses, etc., and also incorporates proper event semantics when the control is disabled.
ClassInteractiveControl Represents a control that supports interactive tools.
ClassLabelAppearanceData Describes appearance information about a label.
ClassLabelAppearanceDataList Describes appearance information about a list of labels.
ClassLinearGradientBrushAppearanceData Describes appearance information about Linear Gradient Brush data
ClassLineGeometryData Describes visual information for a line geometry.
ClassLineSegmentData Describes visual information for a line segment.
ClassLineVisualData Describes visual information for a line visual.
ClassMarkBase Base class for mark objects.
ClassMathUtil Provides utility methods for math operations.
ClassMathUtilExtended Provides utility methods for math operations.
ClassMatrixUtil Utility class for matrix operations.
ClassObjectConverter TypeConverter class for converting string to object.
ClassPathFigureData Describes visual information for a path figure.
ClassPathFigureUtil Utilty methods for PathFigures.
ClassPathGeometryData Describes visual information for a path geometry.
ClassPathVisualData Describes visual information for a path visual.
ClassPlatform Utility class for platform-specific operations.
ClassPointData Describes appearance information about a rect
ClassPolyBezierSegmentData Information data about a bezier spline segment.
ClassPolygonUtil Provides utility methods for working with polygons or list of points
ClassPolygonVisualData Describes visual information for a polygon visual.
ClassPolylineSegmentData Describes visual information for a polyline segment.
ClassPolyLineVisualData Describes visual information for a polyline visual.
ClassPolySimplification Utility class for polygon simpliciation.
ClassPrimitiveAppearanceData Describes appearance information about a primitive element.
ClassPrimitiveVisualData Describes information about a primitive visual element.
ClassPrimitiveVisualDataList Provides information about primitive visual elements.
ClassRearrangedList<T> List class for known lists which are reordered.
ClassRectangleGeometryData Describes visual information for a rectangle geometry.
ClassRectangleVisualData Describes visual information for a rectangle visual.
ClassRectangularSurfaceGridDataSampler Data sampler for rectangular surface data, where the maximum points on X and Y are independent variables.
ClassRectChangedEventArgs Provides data for rectangle changed events.
ClassRectData Describes appearance information about a rect
ClassRectUtil Utility class for rectangle-based calculations.
ClassSafeSetter A setter that will safely set its value only if the trust level is appropriate.
ClassSafeSetterCollection A collection of safe setters.
ClassSafeSetters Allows for setting properties only if the trust level allows.
ClassSegmentData Describes visual information for a segment.
ClassShapeTags Represents categorical information to provide context for a visual element.
ClassShapeUtil Provides extension methods for cloning shapes.
ClassSmartPlaceableWrapper<T> ISmartPlaceable wrapper class for a FrameworkElement. For use with the SmartPlacer class.
ClassSmartPlacer Manages the position for each object in a set of managed SmartPositions in an attempt to minimise overlap.
ClassSolidBrushAppearanceData Describes appearance information about Solid Brush data
ClassSolidBrushCollectionConverter Converter for a collection of SolidColorBrush objects.
ClassSRProvider Provides string resources.
ClassStringFormatConverter String converter which formats the string according to the current culture.
ClassStringFormatter Represents a string formatting object used to create strings based upon an object and a formatting string which dereferences properties from the object.
ClassStringFormatUtil Utility class for auto string formatting.
ClassStripeBase Stripe keeps appearance, animation and unit properties for axis stripe.
ClassStripeGroupBase Represents a set of axis stripes.
ClassSurfaceGridDataSampler Data sampler for square surface data, where the maximum points on X and Y are equal and based on a single sampling threshold.
ClassSurfaceGridDataSamplerBase Base class for grid data sampling.
ClassTimeSpanConverter TypeConverter class for TimeSpan objects.
ClassTool Mouse interaction helper class.
ClassTransformUtil Utility class for graphical transform operations.
ClassTypeUtil Type conversion utility class.
ClassVisualDataPixelScalingOptions Optiosn for how the pixel scaling should be performed.
ClassVisualStates Names and helpers for visual states in the controls.
ClassXYZ Data structure with numeric coordinates X, Y, and Z.
InterfaceIEncoding Interface used by different types of Encoding.
InterfaceIErrorBarCalculator The error bar calculator interface
InterfaceIFastItemColumn<T> Represents the public view of a FastItemsSource column.
InterfaceIFastItemColumnPropertyName Interface for objects which store a property name to be used in a FastItemColumn.
InterfaceIFastItemsSourceProvider Implementors are providers of FastItemsSource instances.
InterfaceIHashPool<TKey,TValue> An hash mapped IPool.
InterfaceIHighlightingManager Interface for highlighting managers.
InterfaceIIndexedPool<T> An IPool that is indexed by integer indexes.
InterfaceIPool<T> Represents a pool of reusable objects.
InterfaceISmartPlaceable Interface for objects placed by a smart placer object.
InterfaceITickProvider Represents an a driver than can provide timing support for animation engines.
InterfaceITool Interface for mouse-interactive objects.
InterfaceIUpdateVisualState The IUpdateVisualState interface is used to provide the InteractionHelper with access to the type's UpdateVisualState method.
InterfaceIVisualData Interface implemented by classes that expose visual information
DelegateDoubleValueChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle double value change events.
DelegateRectChangedEventHandler Represents the method that will handle rectangle changed events.
DelegateStringFormatter.ValueDelegate Delegate used to retreive named properties from an object.
EnumerationErrorBarCalculatorReference Describes available behaviors for choosing the direction of error bars calculation in scatter series.
EnumerationErrorBarCalculatorType Describes available types of error bar calculators.
EnumerationHighlightingState Describes available highlighting states
EnumerationInterpolationMode Describes available modes for color interpolation.
EnumerationSmartPosition Describes available positions for smart label placement with respect to the notional rectangle's origin
EnumerationSurfaceGridDataInterpolation Determines type of interpolation used for interpolating grid points
EnumerationSurfaceGridDistanceMeasure Determines type of measure used to calculate distance between points in the grid
See Also