
Code 39

The XamCode39Barcode™ generates the Code 39 symbology (also known as USS Code 39, Code 3 of 9), which is the first alpha-numeric symbology developed to be used in a non-retail environment. It can be decoded with virtually any barcode reader.

The variable-length format of the Data value accepts the following 43 characters: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-.$/+% and space. When needed, a checksum digit based on modulo 32 algorithm can be added at the end of the symbology when the control property ShouldGenerateChecksum is set to True.

The XamCode39Barcode also supports Extended Code 39 for full ASCII support when the control property Extended is set to True.

Sample Images With XAML Code Declaration:


<ig:XamCode39Barcode x:Name="Barcode" Data="CODE39" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim Barcode As New XamCode39Barcode()
Barcode.Data = "CODE39"

In C#:

XamCode39Barcode Barcode = new XamCode39Barcode();
Barcode.Data = "CODE39";
xamBarcode XamCode39Barcode 01.png


<ig:XamCode39Barcodex:Name="Barcode"  Data="code39" Extended="True" ShouldGenerateChecksum="True" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim Barcode As New XamCode39Barcode()
Barcode.Data = "code39"
Barcode.Extended = True
Barcode.ShouldGenerateChecksum = True

In C#:

XamCode39Barcode Barcode = new XamCode39Barcode();
Barcode.Data = "code39";
Barcode.Extended = true;
Barcode.ShouldGenerateChecksum = true;
xamBarcode XamCode39Barcode 02.png