
Using xamDialogWindow

This section is your gateway to important conceptual and task-based information that will help you to use the various features and functionalities provided by the xamDialogWindow™ control.

This topic describes how you can customize the xamDialogWindow control’s resizing cursors via DataTemplates.

This topic describes how you can apply effects to the modal xamDialogWindow control’s background.

This topic describes how you can change the control’s header icon.

This topic describes the control’s Moving and Moved events.

This topic describes the events associated with the xamDialogWindow state change. The window can switch between normal, minimized, maximized and hidden state.

This topic describes how you can enable and tune the keyboard navigation on the xamDialogWindow control in order to move it with the arrows keys.

This topic describes how you can create a modal xamDialogWindow.

This topic describes how you can minimize the xamDialogWindow control and place it in a panel.

This topic describes the usage of the xamDialogWindow control’s MinimizedWidth and MinimizedHeight properties.

This topic describes how you can set up the xamDialogWindow control’s initial position.

This topic describes the behavior of the xamDialogWindow when nested in different containers.

This topic describes the usage of the xamDialogWindow control’s CloseButtonVisibility, MaximizeButtonVisibility and MinimizeButtonVisibility properties.