
Configuring Panning and Zooming

This topic demonstrates how to configure the panning and zooming settings of the xamOrgChart™ control.

Allowing Panning and Zooming

Panning and zooming are controlled by the following Boolean properties of the xamOrgChart control’s Navigation Settings:

  • AllowPan – when True, panning with the mouse is enabled

  • AllowZoom – when True, zooming with the mouse is enabled


If AllowPan and AllowZoom are set to False, panning and zooming can still be performed through either the code-behind or using the xamOverviewPlusDetailPane™ control.

The following code demonstrates how to allow both panning and zooming:


        <ig:NavigationSettings AllowPan="True" AllowZoom="True" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim orgChart As New XamOrgChart()
Dim navigationSettings As New NavigationSettings()
navigationSettings.AllowPan = True
navigationSettings.AllowZoom = True
orgChart.NavigationSettings = navigationSettings

In C#:

XamOrgChart orgChart = new XamOrgChart();
NavigationSettings navigationSettings = new NavigationSettings();
navigationSettings.AllowPan = true;
navigationSettings.AllowZoom = true;
orgChart.NavigationSettings = navigationSettings;

Configuring the Zoom Levels

The zoom levels are controlled by the zoom level properties of the xamOrgChart control. For all these properties, the valid values are numbers greater than zero, including decimal fractions; the zoom level value multiplied by 100 produces the zoom scale in percentages, or, schematically speaking,

zoom level *100 = zoom %.

For example, a value of would 1 scale the nodes to 100%.

The zoom level properties of the xamOrgChart control are as follows:

The following code demonstrates configuring the zoom settings as follows:

  • maximum zoom level – 300%

  • minimum zoom level – 50%

  • current zoom level– 100%



In Visual Basic:

Dim orgChart As New XamOrgChart()
orgChart.MaximumZoomLevel = 3
orgChart.MinimumZoomLevel = 0.5
orgChart.ZoomLevel = 1

In C#:

XamOrgChart orgChart = new XamOrgChart();
orgChart.MaximumZoomLevel = 3;
orgChart.MinimumZoomLevel = 0.5;
orgChart.ZoomLevel = 1;

Code Example

The code below demonstrates how to implement Scale-to-Fit and Zoom-to-100% features. The Scale to Fit feature scales the contents of xamOrgChart to fit the viewable area; Zoom to 100% scales the contents of the Org Chart to 100% (equivalent to ZoomLevel=1).

xamOrgChart Configuring Panning and Zooming 01.png

Figure 1: The Scale-to-Fit feature

xamOrgChart Configuring Panning and Zooming 02.png

Figure 2: The Zoom-to-100% feature

In Visual Basic:

Dim orgChart As New XamOrgChart()
‘Performs a 10% zoom in.
‘Performs a 10% zoom out.

In C#:

XamOrgChart orgChart = new XamOrgChart();
//Performs a 10% zoom in.
//Performs a 10% zoom out.