
Add an Image to the Application Menu

When you create a basic xamRibbon using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), the Application Menu is one of the few xamRibbon™ components that is always visible by default. You may wish to enhance this area of xamRibbon by displaying an image inside the Application Menu button. Typically, this image would be a company logo or application icon.

The following example code demonstrates how to add an image to the application menu.


The CompanyLogo.gif image is not included in this topic. You will have to replace the CompanyLogo.gif with a URI to your own image file.

adding an image to xamribbon's application menu


<igRibbon:XamRibbon Name="xamRibbon1">
                <!--The CompanyLogo.gif is not included in this topic.
                Replace "CompanyLogo.gif" with a URI to your own image file.-->
                <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu Image="CompanyLogo.png"/>

In Visual Basic:

Me.xamRibbon1.ApplicationMenu.Image = New BitmapImage(New Uri("pack://application:,,,/CompanyLogo.png"))

In C#:

this.xamRibbon1.ApplicationMenu.Image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/CompanyLogo.png"));