
Check Box

If you need to present a binary option to your end user, then the CheckBox tool is the right tool for you. The CheckBox tool’s functionality shines when you need a simple way for end users to specify application preferences. The CheckBox tool derives from Microsoft® Windows® Presentation Foundation’s System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ToggleButton class; therefore, you will get the same functionality that the base ToggleButton class provides.

The CheckBox tool also implements the IRibbonTool interface, which adds cloning and binding functionality to facilitate advanced xamRibbon™ features. If you aren’t creating your own custom xamRibbon tool, you don’t need to worry about the IRibbonTool interface.

The CheckBoxTool class exposes several extra properties that go a long way towards easily managing a check box on xamRibbon. CheckBoxTool exposes several 'Has' and 'Is' properties to help confirm if a property has been set or if the check box is in a certain state. A few of the standard properties that help set up a CheckBox tool on xamRibbon include:

  • Caption - This text will always be visible next to the CheckBox tool regardless of its resolved SizingMode property.

  • Id - An identification string that xamRibbon uses to associate tools when they’re located in different locations (i.e. a Ribbon Group and the Quick Access Toolbar simultaneously). The Id isn’t required, but it can help you access a tool at run time.

  • KeyTip - Each tool has a Key Tip (similar to main menu mnemonics) associated with it. If you don’t provide one explicitly, xamRibbon will internally choose one for you.

  • LargeImage - Usually a 32 x 32 pixel image. You’ll see this image when a tool’s SizingMode is set to ImageAndTextLarge.

  • SizingMode - This property is read-only and returns how the tool is currently sized on its associated Ribbon group. If you want to set the size of a tool, you can set the RibbonGroup’s MinimumSize and/or MaximumSize attached properties. Also, if you place a tool in a Button Group, the tools will automatically be sized to ImageOnly.

  • SmallImage - Usually a 16 x 16 pixel image. You’ll see this image when a tool’s SizingMode is set to ImageAndTextNormal.

Since xamRibbon tools all derive from and implement the same objects, the functionality for each of them is very similar. The following topics apply to all xamRibbon tools.