

Before You Begin

The xamSpellChecker™ control comes standard with dictionaries for nine different languages, including Dutch, English (American, Australian, British and Canadian), French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. The default dictionary is English, American.

All dictionaries are located in the following installation folder for Ultimate UI for WPF:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2024.2\WPF\Dictionaries


This topic assumes that you already have a xamSpellChecker control added to your page, for more information see the Adding xamSpellChecker to Your Page topic.

What You Will Accomplish

This topic will guide you through the process of changing which dictionary the xamSpellChecker control uses. In this example, we will use the French dictionary.

Follow these Steps

  1. Create a folder in the ClientBin of your application, naming it Dictionaries.

  2. Copy the French dictionary (fr-french-v2-whole.dict) from its default location to the Dictionaries folder.

  3. Set the DictionaryUri property to the Uri of the French dictionary.


<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
   <ig:XamSpellChecker x:Name="spellChecker" DictionaryUri="Dictionaries/fr-french-v2-whole.dict">

In Visual Basic:

Me.spellChecker.DictionaryUri = New Uri("Dictionaries/fr-french-v2-whole.dict", UriKind.Relative)

In C#:

this.spellChecker.DictionaryUri = new Uri("Dictionaries/fr-french-v2-whole.dict", UriKind.Relative);