
Change the State of a Tile

A XamTile object can be in one of four states at any given time — Normal, Maximized, Minimized, or MinimizedExpanded. Based on the state of its tiles, the xamTileManager™ can be in one of two 'modes'; maximized or normal mode. Normal mode only contains normal tiles; while maximized mode contains one or more maximized tiles with the remaining minimized or minimized-expanded tiles aligned to an edge of the control. Most of the time, your end users will interact with a tile to change its state, which can be obtained from the read-only property State; however, you can also change the state of a tile in XAML or in the code-behind by setting several of the XamTile object’s properties - IsExpandedWhenMinimized, IsMaximized. Please refer to the "Tile State" sample to see how to change a tile state using commands.

When changing a XamTile state, you should be aware of the following behaviors when changing a tile’s state:

  • You cannot change a normal tile to a minimized or a minimized-expanded state. Instead, you must set the state of a different tile to Maximized, which will minimize the remaining tiles.

  • If you limit the number of maximized tiles to one, you cannot change the maximized tile to a minimized or minimized-expanded state. Instead, you must set a minimized or minimized-expanded tile’s state to Maximized. However, this does not apply when you have two or more maximized tiles.

  • You cannot explicitly change a minimized or minimized-expanded tile to a normal state. Instead, you must set the IsMaximized property of all maximized tiles to False or execute the ToggleMaximized command for all maximized tiles.

  • You can toggle between the minimized or minimized-expanded state if a tile has been minimized using the IsExpandedWhenMinimized property or by executing the ToggleMinimizedExpansion command.

xamTilesControl Change the State of a Tile 01.png

The following example code demonstrates how to change the state of a tile.


<ig:XamTileManager Name="xamTileManager1">
    <ig:XamTile Header="Tile 1" IsMaximized="True" />
    <ig:XamTile Header="Tile 2" />
    <ig:XamTile Header="Tile 3" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Controls.Layouts
Dim tileToMaximize = _
If tileToMaximize IsNot Nothing Then
    tileToMaximize.IsMaximized = True
End If

In C#:

using Infragistics.Controls.Layouts;
XamTile tileToMaximize =
if (tileToMaximize != null)
    tileToMaximize.IsMaximized = true;