
xamToolbar [Beta]

The Toolbar component is a companion conainer for UI operations to interact both standalone or with the XamDataChart & XamCategoryChart components. This allows you to easily choose from a preset of properites on the eg. XamDataChart with predefined SVG icons, but it also gives you the ability to create custom tools for your project. Benefiting from a number of attributes, you can define or change the icon in use or apply different actions to it. The Toolbar will display it’s own SVG icons.


The Toolbar contains a Target property. This is used to link another component such as the DataChart.


<Grid Grid.Row="0">
        Target="{Binding ElementName=chart}"
<Grid Grid.Row="2">
    <ig:XamDataChart  Name="chart">

Several pre-existing ToolAction items and menus become available when the chart is linked with the Toolbar. The following names are a list of Tool/Tool OverlayId names necessary for further customization such as adding, editing, toggling visibility of tools. These names can be assinged to the OverlayId, BeforeId and AfterId.

Here is a list of the provided DataChart Tool Actions and their associated OverlayId:

Zooming Actions

  • ZoomReset: A ToolActionLabel that invokes the ResetZoom method on the chart to reset the zoom level to it’s default position.

  • ZoomMenu: A ToolActionIconMenu that exposes two ToolActionLabel items to invoke the ZoomIn and ZoomOut methods on the chart for increasing/decreasing the chart’s.

Trend Actions

  • AnalyzeMenu: A ToolActionIconMenu that contains several options for configuring different options of the chart.

    • AnalyzeHeader: sub section header.

      • LinesMenu: A sub menu containing various tools for showing different dashed horizontal lines on the chart.

        • LinesHeader: A sub menu section header for the following three tools:

          • MaxValue: A ToolActionCheckbox that displays a dashed horizontal line along the yAxis at the maximum value of the series.

          • MinValue: A ToolActionCheckbox that displays a dashed horizontal line along the yAxis at the minimum value of the series.

          • Average: A ToolActionCheckbox that displays a dashed horizontal line along the yAxis at the average value of the series.

      • TrendsMenu: A sub menu containing tools for applying various trendlines to the XamDataChart plot area.

        • TrendsHeader: A sub menu section header for the following three tools:

          • Exponential: A ToolActionRadio that sets the TrendLineType on each series in the chart to ExponentialFit.

          • Linear: A ToolActionRadio that sets the TrendLineType on each series in the chart to LinearFit.

          • Logarithmic: A ToolActionRadio that sets the TrendLineType on each series in the the chart to LogarithmicFit.

          • None: A ToolActionRadio for removing all trendlines.

    • HelpersHeader: A sub section header.

      • SeriesAvg: A ToolActionCheckbox that adds or removes a ValueLayer to the chart’s series collection using the ValueLayerValueMode of type Average.

      • ValueLabelsMenu: A sub menu containing varous tools for showing different annotations on the `XamDataChart’s plot area.

        • ValueLabelsHeader: A sub menu section header for the following tools:

          • ShowValueLabels: A ToolActionCheckbox that toggles data point values by using a CalloutLayer.

          • ShowLastValueLabel: A ToolActionCheckbox that toggles final value axis annotations by using a FinalValueLayer.

    • ShowCrosshairs: A ToolActionCheckbox that toggles mouse-over crosshair annotations via the chart’s CrosshairsDisplayMode property.

    • ShowGridlines: A ToolActionCheckbox that toggles extra gridlines by applying a MajorStroke to the X-Axis.

Copy Actions

  • Copy as Image: This menu provides an option to copy an image of the chart to the clipboard.

Tool Actions

The following is a list of ToolAction items you can add to the Toolbar.

  • ToolActionButton

  • ToolActionCheckbox

  • ToolActionIconButton

  • ToolActionIconMenu

  • ToolActionLabel

  • ToolActionNumberInput

  • ToolActionRadio

Each of these tools exposes an OnCommand event that can be triggered upon interacting with them as a mouse click.

New and existing tools can be repositioned and marked hidden using the OverlayId, BeforeId and AfterId properties on the ToolAction object. ToolActions also expose a Visibility property.

Custom Tool Actions



In C#:

SvgIconRegistry.Instance.AddSvgPathString("MyCustomCollection", "MyCustomIcon",
<svg>Custom Icon</svg>

private void myTool_OnCommand(object sender, ToolCommandEventArgs e)
    switch (e.Command.CommandId)
        case "MyCustomAction":
           //Custom Action Logic Here

Vertical Orientation

By default the Toolbar is shown in the horizontal Orientation position but also has the ability to shown vertically.


The icon component can be styled by using it’s BaseTheme property directly to the Toolbar.