
DataGridView Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataGridView.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorDataGridView ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityActivationPoint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityCustomActions (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyAccessibilityElementsHidden (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityHint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityLabel (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityLanguage (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityNavigationStyle (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityPath (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityTraits (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityValue (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAccessibilityViewIsModal (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyActivationModeSets or gets the grid selection mode.  
Public PropertyActiveCellGets or sets the position of the active cell.  
Public PropertyActualDataSourceGets the actual data source that is being used by the grid. If a collection was provided for the grid data, an implicit LocalDataSource has been created, and this is available via this property.  
Public PropertyActualPrimaryKeyGets either the inferred primary key from the data source, or the user provided primary key, if present. Represents the actual primary key that the grid will use in operations that require it.  
Public PropertyActualVisibleRegionGets the region of the grid that is visible.  
Public PropertyAlignmentRectInsets (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAlpha (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAlwaysBounceHorizontal (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyAlwaysBounceVertical (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyAnimationSettingsSets or gets the default animation settings for the grid.  
Public PropertyAutoGenerateColumnsConfigures whether or not the grid will autogenerate columns when the data source is set.  
Public PropertyAutoresizingMask (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyAutosizesSubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyBackgroundColor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyBounces (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyBouncesZoom (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyBounds (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyCanBecomeFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyCanCancelContentTouches (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyCanResignFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyCellBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyCellDataLoadedAnimationModeSets or gets the cell data loaded animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyCellFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertyCellFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyCellFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyCellFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyCellSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for content cells when a row is in a selected state  
Public PropertyCellSelectionAnimationModeSets or gets the cell selection animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyCellTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyCenter (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyClassHandle (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyClearsContextBeforeDrawing (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyClipsToBounds (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyColumnAddingAnimationModeSets or gets the Column Adding Animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnAnimationSettingsSets or gets the default column animation settings for all columns.  
Public PropertyColumnExchangingAnimationModeSets or gets the column exchanging animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnHidingAnimationModeSets or gets the column hiding animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnMovingAnimationModeSets or gets the column moving animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnPropertyUpdatingAnimationModeSets or gets the Column Property Updating Animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets the column definitions that are assigned to the grid. This collection can be modified to add or remove columns in the grid.  
Public PropertyColumnShowingAnimationModeSets or gets the column showing animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentInset (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyContentMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentOffset (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyContentScaleFactor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyContentSize (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyContentStretch (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyDataSourceDesiredPropertiesGets or sets the desired properties for the data source to load. If specified the data source may decide to constrain the properties it fetches to these properties and must make sure that at least those properties are loaded, rather than the default behavior for that data source.  
Public PropertyDebugDescription (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyDecelerating (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyDecelerationRate (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyDefaultColumnMinWidthGets or sets the default minimum width to use on all columns. Ignored if NaN.  
Public PropertyDefaultColumnWidthGets or sets the default width to use on all columns.  
Public PropertyDelaysContentTouches (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyDelegate (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyDescription (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyDirectionalLockEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyDragging (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyExclusiveTouch (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyFilterExpressionsGets the current filter that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the filter for the grid. Once filter expresisons are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertyFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyGestureRecognizers (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyGroupDescriptionsGets the current grouping that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the grouping for the grid. Once grouping descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertyGroupHeaderDisplayModeGets or sets how group headers are displayed when there are multiple groups defined in the grid.  
Public PropertyGroupSummaryDisplayModeGets or sets the display mode summaries will use inside groups.  
Public PropertyHandle (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyHasAmbiguousLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyHeaderBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for header cells  
Public PropertyHeaderClickActionReturns/sets the action to take when a column header is clicked.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertyHeaderHeightGets or sets the height to use for the header row.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorGets or sets the header seperator settings.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for header separators.  
Public PropertyHeaderSeparatorWidthGets or sets the width of the header separators.  
Public PropertyHeaderSortIndicatorColorGets or sets the default text color to use for content cells  
Public PropertyHeaderSortIndicatorStyleGets or sets the default render style for sort indicators in header cells.  
Public PropertyHeaderTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for header cells  
Public PropertyHidden (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyIndicatorStyle (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyInputAccessoryView (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputAccessoryViewController (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputView (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInputViewController (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyInsetRepresents how much the content is inset within the scroller.  
Public PropertyIntrinsicContentSize (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyIsAccessibilityElement (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyIsFilterUIEnabledGets or sets whether to show the filtering UI in the headers for columns where filtering is enabled.  
Public PropertyIsFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyIsGroupExpandedDefaultGets or sets whether groups are expanded or collapsed by default.  
Public PropertyIsGroupRowStickyGets or sets if group rows will stick to the top of the grid.  
Public PropertyIsHeaderSeparatorVisibleGets or sets if header separators are rendered.  
Public PropertyIsPlaceholderRenderingEnabledConfigures whether or not place holders are used for cells who do not have their data yet.  
Public PropertyIsProxy (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyItemsSourceGets or sets the data to which to bind the grid. This can be some type of array or list, or it can be an IDataSource instance.  
Public PropertyKeyboardDismissMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyKeyCommands (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyLastStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for the last sticky row  
Public PropertyLayer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyLayoutMargins (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMaskView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMaximumZoomScale (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyMinimumZoomScale (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyMotionEffects (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyMultipleTouchEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyNextResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyOpaque (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyPagingEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyPanGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyPinchGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyPinnedAreaSeparatorWidthGets or sets the width of the pinned area separators.  
Public PropertyPinnedItemsGets which items are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.  
Public PropertyPinnedKeysGets which primary keys are currently pinned in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically pin items.  
Public PropertyPinnedRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for pinned rows  
Public PropertyPinnedRowOpacityGets or sets the default opacity to use for pinned rows  
Public PropertyPreservesSuperviewLayoutMargins (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyPrimaryKeySets or gets the user provided primary key to assume for the data. Certain functionality of the grid requires a way to uniquely identify items in order to work correctly. If a primary key cannot be inferred from the data source, you may need to provide one here.  
Public PropertyReactsToFilterChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to filter changes.  
Public PropertyReactsToGroupChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to group changes.  
Public PropertyReactsToSortChangesSets or gets whether the grid will react to sort changes.  
Public PropertyResponsiveStatesA set of states that can be applied to the columns of the grid based on available space.  
Public PropertyRestorationIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyRetainCount (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyRowHeightGets or sets the height to use for the rows in the grid.  
Public PropertyRowSelectionAnimationModeSets or gets the row selection animation mode to use.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorGets or sets the row seperator settings.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorHeightSets or gets the height to use for the row separators.  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorLastStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default last sticky row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorPinnedRowBackgroundGets or sets the pinned row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyRowSeparatorStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default sticky row background color to use for row separators  
Public PropertyScrollEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyScrollIndicatorInsets (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyScrollsToTop (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertySectionHeaderGets or sets the header type used for sectioning off groups of rows.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySectionHeaderSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for section header cells when a row is in a selected state  
Public PropertySectionHeaderTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for section header cells  
Public PropertySelectedCellRangesGets which cell ranges are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.  
Public PropertySelectedCellsGets which cells are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select cells.  
Public PropertySelectedItemsGets which items are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.  
Public PropertySelectedKeysGets which primary key values are currently selected in the grid. Collection can be updated to programatically select items.  
Public PropertySelectionModeSets or gets the grid selection mode.  
Public PropertySelf (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyShouldGroupAccessibilityChildren (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyShouldScrollToTop (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyShowsVerticalScrollIndicator (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertySortDescriptionsGets the current sort that is applied to the grid. Collection can be updated to modify the sort for the grid. Once sort descriptions are in this collection, the grid will no longer listen for changes on their properties.  
Public PropertyStickyRowBackgroundGets or sets the default color to use for sticky rows  
Public PropertySubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertySummaryDescriptionsGets the current summaries that are applied to the grid.  
Public PropertySummaryFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySummaryRootBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootNameTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary names in summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRootTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRowRootGets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the root level.  
Public PropertySummaryRowSectionGets or sets the cell definition used for summary rows at the section level.  
Public PropertySummaryScopeGets or sets the scope which summaries are calculated for.  
Public PropertySummarySectionBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontReturns or sets the font for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontFamilyReturns or sets the font family for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontSizeReturns or sets the font size for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionFontStyleReturns or sets the font style for the text.  
Public PropertySummarySectionNameTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary names in summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionSelectedBackgroundGets or sets the default background color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySummarySectionTextColorGets or sets the default text color to use for summary cells at the section level.  
Public PropertySuperclass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertySuperHandle (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertySuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTag (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTextInputContextIdentifier (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyTextInputMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyTintAdjustmentMode (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTintColor (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTracking (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyTraitCollection (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTransform (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyUndoManager (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyUserActivity (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public PropertyUserInteractionEnabled (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyViewForBaselineLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyViewForZoomingInScrollView (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyViewPrintFormatter (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyWeakDelegate (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public PropertyZone (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public PropertyZoomBouncing (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyZooming (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public PropertyZoomScale (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyIsDirectBinding (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected PropertyScrollXGets the scroll X position.  
Protected PropertyScrollYGets the scroll Y position.  
Public Methods
Public MethodAccessibilityActivate (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAccessibilityDecrement (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementDidLoseFocus (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityElementIsFocused (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityIncrement (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityPerformEscape (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityPerformMagicTap (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAccessibilityScroll (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodAdd (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddConstraint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddMotionEffect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddObserverOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodAddSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAddSubviews (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAlignmentRectForFrame (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodAwakeFromNib (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodBecomeFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodBeginInvokeOnMainThreadOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodBringSubviewToFront (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodCanMoveColumnLeftReturns true if a column can be moved to the left of it's current position; otherwise false.  
Public MethodCanMoveColumnRightReturns true if a column can be moved to the right of it's current position; otherwise false.  
Public MethodCanPerform (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodConformsToProtocol (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodContentCompressionResistancePriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodContentHuggingPriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointFromCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointFromView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointToCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertPointToView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectFromCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectFromView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectToCoordinateSpace (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodConvertRectToView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodCopyOverloaded.  (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodCut (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodDangerousAutorelease (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDangerousRelease (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDangerousRetain (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDataIndexOfItemReturns the data index of an item within the bound data source.  
Public MethodDataIndexOfPrimaryKeyReturns the data index of a primary key value.  
Public MethodDecodeRestorableState (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodDelete (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodDidChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDidChangeValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the resources used by the UIView object.  
Public MethodDoesNotRecognizeSelector (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodDraw (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodDrawRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodDrawViewHierarchy (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEncodeRestorableState (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEncodeTo (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodExchangeColumnExchanges a column currently in the grid with another that is not presently in the grid.  
Public MethodExchangeSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodExerciseAmbiguityInLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodExportSerializedVisualModelReturns a serialized copy of the exported visual model  
Public MethodExportVisualModelExports visual information about the current state of the grid.  
Public MethodFlashScrollIndicators (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodFlushMakes sure pending work has completed if the grid need to be synchronously examined.  
Public MethodFrameForAlignmentRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGestureRecognizerShouldBegin (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetColumnAtRenderedIndexGets the column that appears at the index specified. This is not the columns actual index in the column's collection but the index for how it appears visually in the grid.  
Public MethodGetConstraintsAffectingLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetDictionaryOfValuesFromKeys (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetEnumerator (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodGetFirstVisibleIndexGets the first visible index in the grid.  
Public MethodGetHashCode (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetHitCell  
Public MethodGetLastVisibleIndexGets the last visible index in the grid.  
Public MethodGetNativeField (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetNativeHash (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodGetRootSummaryResultsGets the summary results for root level.  
Public MethodGetSectionSummaryResultsGets the summary results for a specific section.  
Public MethodGetTargetForAction (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodHideThenRemoveColumnPlays the hide animation for a column and then removes it once the hiding animation has completed.  
Public MethodHitTest (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInit (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodInsertSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInsertSubviewAbove (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInsertSubviewBelow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInvalidateIntrinsicContentSize (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodInvalidateVisibleRowsInvalidates the bound data for the rows currently visible.  
Public MethodInvokeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodInvokeOnMainThreadOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsDescendantOfView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodIsEqual (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsKindOfClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodIsMemberOfClass (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodLayoutIfNeeded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodLayoutMarginsDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodLayoutSubviewsOverridden. Lays out the subviews.  
Public MethodMakeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMakeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionBegan (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionCancelled (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMotionEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodMoveColumnMoves a column from one index to another in the grid.  
Public MethodMoveColumnLeftMoves a column to the left, if possible.  
Public MethodMoveColumnRightMoves a column to the right, if possible.  
Public MethodMovedToSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodMovedToWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodMutableCopy (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodNeedsUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodNotifyClearItemsManually notifies the grid's data source that the data it has bound to has been cleared and needs to be re-examined. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifyInsertItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been inserted in the data it is bound to. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifyRemoveItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been removed in the data it is bound to. This should not be called if the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodNotifySetItemManually notifies the grid's data source that an item has been changed in the data it is bound to. This should not be called the data that the grid is bound to is already observable.  
Public MethodObserveValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodPaste (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodPerformSelectorOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodPinColumnPins a column to the desired location.  
Public MethodPointInside (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRefreshForces a refresh of the grid content.  
Public MethodReloadInputViews (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodRemoteControlReceived (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodRemoveConstraint (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveFromSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveGestureRecognizer (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveMotionEffect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodRemoveObserverOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodResignFirstResponder (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodResizableSnapshotView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodResolveCellValueResolves the value of a specific cell.  
Public MethodResolveCellValueFromPosition  
Public MethodRespondsToSelector (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodRestoreUserActivityState (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodScrollRectToVisible (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodScrollToColumnByIndexScrolls the grid to given column, by index  
Public MethodScrollToItemScrolls to an item, if found.  
Public MethodScrollToLastRowByIndexScrolls the grid so that a row is the last visible, by index.  
Public MethodScrollToPrimaryKeyScrolls to a primary key value if possible.  
Public MethodScrollToRowByIndexScrolls the grid to given row, by index  
Public MethodSelect (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodSelectAll (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodSendSubviewToBack (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetActiveResponsiveStateManually set the active responsive state of the grid.  
Public MethodSetContentCompressionResistancePriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetContentHuggingPriority (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetContentOffset (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodSetNativeField (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetNeedsDisplay (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsDisplayInRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsLayout (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNeedsUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSetNilValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForKeyPathOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValueForUndefinedKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetValuesForKeysWithDictionary (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodSetZoomScale (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodSizeThatFits (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSizeToFit (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSnapshotView (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSubviewAdded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodSystemLayoutSizeFittingSizeOverloaded.  (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodTintColorDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodToggleBoldface (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToggleItalics (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToggleUnderline (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodTouchesBegan (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesCancelled (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesMoved (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodTouchesShouldBegin (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodTouchesShouldCancelInContentView (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public MethodTraitCollectionDidChange (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUpdateConstraints (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUpdateConstraintsIfNeeded (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodUpdateUserActivityState (Inherited from UIKit.UIResponder)
Public MethodValueForKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodValueForKeyPath (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodValueForUndefinedKey (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodViewWithTag (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodWillChangeValue (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Public MethodWillMoveToSuperview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillMoveToWindow (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodWillRemoveSubview (Inherited from UIKit.UIView)
Public MethodZoomToRect (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected MethodMarkDirty (Inherited from Foundation.NSObject)
Protected MethodOnActiveCellChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ActiveCellChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnCellClickedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.CellClicked event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnExchangingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnExchangingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnExchangingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnExchangingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHiddenChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnHiddenChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHidingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnHidingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnHidingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnHidingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnMovingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnMovingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnMovingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnMovingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnsAutoGeneratedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnsAutoGenerated event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnShowingAnimationCanceledUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnShowingAnimationCanceled event.  
Protected MethodOnColumnShowingAnimationCompletedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.ColumnShowingAnimationCompleted event.  
Protected MethodOnFilterExpressionsChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.FilterExpressionsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnFilterExpressionsChangingUsed to invoke the DataGridView.FilterExpressionsChanging event.  
Protected MethodOnGroupDescriptionsChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.GroupDescriptionsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedUsed to raise the PropertyChanged event when a property of the object has been changed.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedCellRangesChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.SelectedCellRangesChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedCellsChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.SelectedCellsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedItemsChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.SelectedItemsChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSelectedKeysChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.SelectedKeysChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnSortDescriptionsChangedUsed to invoke the DataGridView.SortDescriptionsChanged event.  
Public Events
Public EventActiveCellChangedCalled when the active cell changes.  
Public EventCellClickedCalled when a cell is clicked.  
Public EventColumnExchangingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column exchanging animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnExchangingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column exchanging animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnHiddenChangedCalled when a column is hidden or unhidden.  
Public EventColumnHidingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column hiding animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnHidingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column hiding animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnMovingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column moving animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnMovingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column moving animation is completed.  
Public EventColumnsAutoGeneratedCalled when the columns are autogenerated.  
Public EventColumnShowingAnimationCanceledCalled when a column showing animation is canceled.  
Public EventColumnShowingAnimationCompletedCalled when a column showing animation is completed.  
Public EventDecelerationEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventDecelerationStarted (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventDidZoom (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventDraggingEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventDraggingStarted (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventFilterExpressionsChanged  
Public EventFilterExpressionsChanging  
Public EventGroupDescriptionsChangedCalled when grouping has changed.  
Public EventPropertyChangedInvoked when a property of the object has been changed.  
Public EventScrollAnimationEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventScrolled (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventScrolledToTop (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventSelectedCellRangesChangedCalled when the selected cell ranges changed.  
Public EventSelectedCellsChangedCalled when the selected cells change.  
Public EventSelectedItemsChangedCalled when the selected items change.  
Public EventSelectedKeysChangedCalled when the selected keys change.  
Public EventSortDescriptionsChangedCalled when sorting has changed.  
Public EventWillEndDragging (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventZoomingEnded (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
Public EventZoomingStarted (Inherited from UIKit.UIScrollView)
See Also