
GetCellConditionalFormat(Int32,Int32) Method

Gets the cell conditional format for the cell at the specified row and column index.
public CellConditionalFormat GetCellConditionalFormat( 
   int rowIndex,
   int columnIndex


The 0-based index of the WorksheetRow within the Rows collection.
The 0-based index of the cell within the WorksheetRow.

Return Value

The aggregated condition format for the cell at the specified column index or null if the cell is not contained in any conditional format region.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionrowIndex is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of rows in the worksheet. columnIndex is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of columns in the worksheet.

Note: if the cell is contained in one or more conditional format regions but doesn't match any of thse criteria an instance of Infragistics.Documents.Excel.ConditionalFormatting.CellConditionalFormat will still be returned but its Infragistics.Documents.Excel.ConditionalFormatting.CellConditionalFormat.HasConditionFormatting property will return null. However, if the sell is not contained in any conditional format region then this method will return null.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also