contextIf set, this.context
will be set at runtime to the current value of the given Context.
type MyContext = number
const Ctx = React.createContext<MyContext>(0)
class Foo extends React.Component {
static contextType = Ctx
context!: React.ContextType<typeof Ctx>
render () {
return <>My context's value: {this.context}</>;
Returns a reference to the bodyTemplate
let bodyTemplate = this.column.bodyTemplate;
A list containing all the child columns under this column (if any). Empty without children or if this column is not Group or Layout.
Returns a boolean indicating if the column is a ColumnGroup
let columnGroup = this.column.columnGroup;
Returns a boolean indicating if the column is a ColumnLayout
for multi-row layout.
let columnGroup = this.column.columnGroup;
Returns a boolean indicating if the column is a child of a ColumnLayout
for multi-row layout.
let columnLayoutChild = this.column.columnLayoutChild;
Gets whether the hiding is disabled.
let isHidingDisabled = this.column.disableHiding;
Gets whether the pinning is disabled.
let isPinningDisabled = this.column.disablePinning;
Gets whether the column is editable.
Default value is false
let isEditable = this.column.editable;
Returns a reference to the validation error template.
let errorTemplate = this.column.errorTemplate;
Returns a reference to the filterCellTemplate
let filterCellTemplate = this.column.filterCellTemplate;
Returns the filteringExpressionsTree of the column.
let tree = this.column.filteringExpressionsTree;
Gets the column filters
let columnFilters = this.column.filters'
Applies display format to cell values in the column. Does not modify the underlying data.
Note: As the formatter is used in places like the Excel style filtering dialog, in certain
scenarios (remote filtering for example), the row data argument can be undefined
In this example, we check to see if the column name is Salary, and then provide a method as the column formatter
to format the value into a currency string.
columnInit(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
if (column.field == "Salary") {
column.formatter = (salary => this.format(salary));
format(value: number) : string {
return formatCurrency(value, "en-us", "$");
const column = this.grid.getColumnByName('Address');
const addressFormatter = (address: string, rowData: any) => data.privacyEnabled ? 'unknown' : address;
column.formatter = addressFormatter;
Applies display format to cell values in the column. Does not modify the underlying data.
Note: As the formatter is used in places like the Excel style filtering dialog, in certain
scenarios (remote filtering for example), the row data argument can be undefined
In this example, we check to see if the column name is Salary, and then provide a method as the column formatter
to format the value into a currency string.
columnInit(column: IgxColumnComponent) {
if (column.field == "Salary") {
column.formatter = (salary => this.format(salary));
format(value: number) : string {
return formatCurrency(value, "en-us", "$");
const column = this.grid.getColumnByName('Address');
const addressFormatter = (address: string, rowData: any) => data.privacyEnabled ? 'unknown' : address;
column.formatter = addressFormatter;
Gets a value indicating whether the summary for the column is enabled.
let hasSummary = this.column.hasSummary;
Returns a reference to the header template.
let headerTemplate = this.column.headerTemplate;
Gets whether the column is hidden.
let isHidden = this.column.hidden;
Gets the column index.
let columnIndex = this.column.index;
Returns a reference to the inline editor template.
let inlineEditorTemplate = this.column.inlineEditorTemplate;
Returns the level of the column in a column group.
Returns 0
if the column doesn't have a parent
let columnLevel = this.column.level;
Sets/gets the parent column.
let parentColumn = this.column.parent;
this.column.parent = higherLevelColumn;
Gets whether the column is pinned
let isPinned = this.column.pinned;
Returns if the column is selectable.
let columnSelectable = this.column.selectable;
Returns if the column is selected.
let isSelected = this.column.selected;
Gets the column sortStrategy
let sortStrategy = this.column.sortStrategy
Gets the column summaries
let columnSummaries = this.column.summaries;
Returns a reference to the summaryTemplate
let summaryTemplate = this.column.summaryTemplate;
Returns a reference to the top level parent column.
let topLevelParent = this.column.topLevelParent;
Gets the column visible index.
If the column is not visible, returns -1
let visibleColumnIndex = this.column.visibleIndex;
Gets the width
of the column.
let columnWidth = this.column.width;
UNSAFE_Called immediately before mounting occurs, and before Component#render
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead
UNSAFE_Called when the component may be receiving new props. React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing props if you only want to handle changes.
Calling Component#setState
generally does not trigger this method.
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead
UNSAFE_Called immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
Note: You cannot call Component#setState
This method will not stop working in React 17.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead
Autosize the column to the longest currently visible cell value, including the header cell.
@ViewChild('grid') grid: IgxGridComponent;
let column = this.grid.columnList.filter(c => c.field === 'ID')[0];
IgxColumnComponent byHeaderOnly Set if column should be autosized based only on the header content.
componentCalled immediately after updating occurs. Not called for the initial render.
The snapshot is only present if getSnapshotBeforeUpdate is present and returns non-null.
componentCalled immediately before mounting occurs, and before Component#render
Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead; will stop working in React 17
componentCalled when the component may be receiving new props. React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing props if you only want to handle changes.
Calling Component#setState
generally does not trigger this method.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead; will stop working in React 17
componentCalled immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
Note: You cannot call Component#setState
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps prevents this from being invoked.
16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead; will stop working in React 17
getRuns before React applies the result of render
to the document, and
returns an object to be given to componentDidUpdate. Useful for saving
things such as scroll position before render
causes changes to it.
Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate prevents any of the deprecated lifecycle events from running.
Moves a column to the specified visible index. If passed index is invalid, or if column would receive a different visible index after moving, moving is not performed. If passed index would move the column to a different column group. moving is not performed.
Pins the column at the provided index in the pinned area.
Defaults to index 0
if not provided, or to the initial index in the pinned area.
Returns true
if the column is successfully pinned. Returns false
if the column cannot be pinned.
Column cannot be pinned if:
let success =;
Unpins the column and place it at the provided index in the unpinned area.
Defaults to index 0
if not provided, or to the initial index in the unpinned area.
Returns true
if the column is successfully unpinned. Returns false
if the column cannot be unpinned.
Column cannot be unpinned if:
let success = this.column.unpin();
If using the new style context, re-declare this in your class to be the
of yourstatic contextType
. Should be used with type annotation or static contextType.