Class IgcButtonComponent

Represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality.


  • Renders the label of the button.

prefix - Renders content before the label of the button.

suffix - Renders content after the label of the button.

base - The native button element of the igc-button component.

prefix - The prefix container of the igc-button component.

suffix - The suffix container of the igc-button component.



  • IgcButtonBaseComponent
    • IgcButtonComponent


download: string

Prompts to save the linked URL instead of navigating to it.

href: string

The URL the button points to.

rel: string

The relationship of the linked URL. See

target?: "_blank" | "_parent" | "_self" | "_top"

Where to display the linked URL, as the name for a browsing context.

type: "reset" | "submit" | "button" = 'button'

The type of the button. Defaults to button.

variant: "flat" | "outlined" | "contained" | "fab" = 'contained'

Sets the variant of the button.


  • get form(): null | HTMLFormElement

    Returns the HTMLFormElement associated with this element.

    Returns null | HTMLFormElement
