Class IgcCalendarComponent

Represents a calendar that lets users to select a date value in a variety of different ways.


  • The default slot for the calendar.

title - Renders the title of the calendar header.

header-date - Renders content instead of the current date/range in the calendar header.

igcChange - Emitted when calendar changes its value.

header - The header element of the calendar.

header-title - The header title element of the calendar.

header-date - The header date element of the calendar.

content - The content element which contains the views and navigation elements of the calendar.

navigation - The navigation container element of the calendar.

months-navigation - The months navigation button element of the calendar.

years-navigation - The years navigation button element of the calendar.

years-range - The years range element of the calendar.

navigation-buttons - The navigation buttons container of the calendar.

navigation-button - Previous/next navigation button of the calendar.

days-view-container - The days view container element of the calendar.

days-view - Days view element of the calendar.

months-view - The months view element of the calendar.

years-view - The years view element of the calendar.

days-row - Days row element of the calendar.

label - Week header label element of the calendar.

week-number - Week number element of the calendar.

week-number-inner - Week number inner element of the calendar.

date - Date element of the calendar.

date-inner - Date inner element of the calendar.

first - The first selected date element of the calendar in range selection.

last - The last selected date element of the calendar in range selection.

inactive - Inactive date element of the calendar.

hidden - Hidden date element of the calendar.

weekend - Weekend date element of the calendar.

range - Range selected element of the calendar.

special - Special date element of the calendar.

disabled - Disabled date element of the calendar.

single - Single selected date element of the calendar.

preview - Range selection preview date element of the calendar.

month - Month element of the calendar.

month-inner - Month inner element of the calendar.

year - Year element of the calendar.

year-inner - Year inner element of the calendar.

selected - Indicates selected state. Applies to date, month and year elements of the calendar.

current - Indicates current state. Applies to date, month and year elements of the calendar.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcCalendarComponentEventMap, this> & IgcCalendarBaseComponent<
    • IgcCalendarComponent


activeView: "days" | "months" | "years" = 'days'

The current active view of the component.


formatOptions: Pick<DateTimeFormatOptions, "weekday" | "month"> = ...

The options used to format the months and the weekdays in the calendar views.

headerOrientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" = 'horizontal'

The orientation of the calendar header.


hideHeader: boolean = false

Whether to render the calendar header part. When the calendar selection is set to multiple the header is always hidden.


hideOutsideDays: boolean = false

Whether to show the dates that do not belong to the current active month.


locale: string = 'en'

Gets/Sets the locale used for formatting and displaying the dates in the component.


orientation: "horizontal" | "vertical" = 'horizontal'

The orientation of the calendar months when more than one month is being shown.


resourceStrings: IgcCalendarResourceStrings = IgcCalendarResourceStringEN

The resource strings for localization.

selection: "single" | "multiple" | "range" = 'single'

Sets the type of selection in the component.


showWeekNumbers: boolean = false

Whether to show the week numbers.


visibleMonths: number = 1

The number of months displayed in the days view.


weekStart: WeekDays = 'sunday'

Gets/Sets the first day of the week.


tagName: "igc-calendar" = 'igc-calendar'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference


  • set activeDate(value: undefined | null | string | Date): void

    Get/Set the date which is shown in view and is highlighted. By default it is the current date.


    • value: undefined | null | string | Date

    Returns void

  • set disabledDates(value: DateRangeDescriptor[]): void

    Gets/Sets the disabled dates for the component.


    • value: DateRangeDescriptor[]

    Returns void

  • set specialDates(value: DateRangeDescriptor[]): void

    Gets/Sets the special dates for the component.


    • value: DateRangeDescriptor[]

    Returns void

  • set value(value: undefined | null | string | Date): void

    The current value of the calendar. Used when selection is set to single



    • value: undefined | null | string | Date

    Returns void

  • set values(values: undefined | null | string | (string | Date)[]): void

    The current values of the calendar. Used when selection is set to multiple of range.



    • values: undefined | null | string | (string | Date)[]

    Returns void