Class IgcDateTimeInputComponent

A date time input is an input field that lets you set and edit the date and time in a chosen input element using customizable display and input formats.


prefix - Renders content before the input.

suffix - Renders content after input.

helper-text - Renders content below the input.

value-missing - Renders content when the required validation fails.

range-overflow - Renders content when the max validation fails.

range-underflow - Renders content when the min validation fails.

custom-error - Renders content when setCustomValidity(message) is set.

invalid - Renders content when the component is in invalid state (validity.valid = false).

igcInput - Emitted when the control input receives user input.

igcChange - Emitted when the control's checked state changes.

container - The main wrapper that holds all main input elements.

input - The native input element.

label - The native label element.

prefix - The prefix wrapper.

suffix - The suffix wrapper.

helper-text - The helper text wrapper.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcDateTimeInputComponentEventMap, this> & IgcMaskInputBaseComponent<
    • IgcDateTimeInputComponent


disabled: boolean

The disabled state of the component.

displayFormat: string

Format to display the value in when not editing. Defaults to the input format if not set.


invalid: boolean

Sets the control into invalid state (visual state only).

label: string

The label for the control.

locale: string = 'en'

The locale settings used to display the value.

name: string

The name attribute of the control.

outlined: boolean = false

Whether the control will have outlined appearance.

placeholder: string

The placeholder attribute of the control.

prompt: string

The prompt symbol to use for unfilled parts of the mask.

readOnly: boolean = false

Makes the control a readonly field.


spinDelta: DatePartDeltas

Delta values used to increment or decrement each date part on step actions. All values default to 1.

spinLoop: boolean = true

Sets whether to loop over the currently spun segment.


tagName: "igc-date-time-input" = 'igc-date-time-input'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference


  • set defaultValue(value: unknown): void

    The initial value of the component.


    • value: unknown

    Returns void

  • get form(): null | HTMLFormElement

    Returns the HTMLFormElement associated with this element.

    Returns null | HTMLFormElement

  • set required(value: boolean): void

    When set, makes the component a required field for validation.



    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get validationMessage(): string

    A string containing the validation message of this element.

    Returns string

  • get validity(): ValidityState

    Returns a ValidityState object which represents the different validity states the element can be in, with respect to constraint validation.

    Returns ValidityState

  • get value(): null | Date

    The value attribute of the control.

    Returns null | Date

  • set value(value: undefined | null | string | Date): void

    The value of the input.


    • value: undefined | null | string | Date

    Returns void

  • get willValidate(): boolean

    A boolean value which returns true if the element is a submittable element that is a candidate for constraint validation.

    Returns boolean


  • Removes focus from the control.

    Returns void

  • Checks for validity of the control and emits the invalid event if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Sets focus on the control.


    • options: FocusOptions

    Returns void

  • Checks for validity of the control and shows the browser message if it invalid.

    Returns boolean

  • Selects all text within the input.

    Returns void

  • Sets a custom validation message for the control. As long as message is not empty, the control is considered invalid.


    • message: string

    Returns void

  • Replaces the selected text in the control and re-applies the mask


    • replacement: string
    • start: number
    • end: number
    • selectMode: RangeTextSelectMode

    Returns void

  • Sets the text selection range of the control


    • start: number
    • end: number
    • direction: SelectionRangeDirection

    Returns void