Class IgcSnackbarComponent

A snackbar component is used to provide feedback about an operation by showing a brief message at the bottom of the screen.


  • Default slot to render the snackbar content.

action - Renders the action part of the snackbar. Usually an interactive element (button)

igcAction - Emitted when the snackbar action button is clicked.

base - The base wrapper of the snackbar component.

message - The snackbar message.

action - The default snackbar action button.

action-container - The area holding the actions.



  • EventEmitterInterface<IgcSnackbarComponentEventMap, this> & IgcBaseAlertLikeComponent<
    • IgcSnackbarComponent


actionText: string

The snackbar action button.


displayTime: number = 4000

Determines the duration in ms in which the component will be visible.


keepOpen: boolean = false

Determines whether the component should close after the displayTime is over.


open: boolean = false

Whether the component is in shown state.

position: "top" | "bottom" | "middle" = 'bottom'

Sets the position of the component in the viewport.

tagName: "igc-snackbar" = 'igc-snackbar'

Returns the HTML-uppercased qualified name.

MDN Reference


  • Closes the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Opens the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Toggles the open state of the component.

    Returns Promise<boolean>