
Configuring Labels (UltraRadialGauge)


This topic provides a conceptual overview of labels with the UltraRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the labels and also provides an example of how to configure the labels.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This section gives you an overview of the UltraRadialGauge™ control and its main features.

This topic explains using a code example how to add the UltraRadialGauge™ control to a Windows Forms application.

Labels Overview

Labels overview

The gauge labels are visual elements displaying numeric values at a specified interval on the scale.


The following image is a preview of the UltraRadialGauge control displaying labels.

Configuring Labels 1 17 1.png

Label Properties and Events

Label properties and events summary

The following table summarizes the UltraRadialGauge control’s label properties.

Property Name Property Type Description


Determines the label position as a value between 0 and 1 from the center of the gauge with 0 placing the labels at the center of the gauge and 1 placing the labels on the radius of the gauge.


Determines the interval to use for rendering labels; by default this is the same interval as the tick marks on the scale.

The following table summarizes the UltraRadialGauge control’s label related events.

Event Name Description

This event is raised when aligning a gauge label along the scale

This event is raised when formatting a gauge label

Configuring the Label


The following screenshot illustrates how the UltraRadialGauge control renders with the label’s properties configured like this:

Property Value



Configuring Labels 2 17 1.png

The following is the code for implementing this example

In C#:

var radialGauge = new UltraRadialGauge();
radialGauge.LabelExtent = 0.44;
radialGauge.LabelInterval = 15;

In Visual Basic:

Dim radialGauge As UltraRadialGauge = New UltraRadialGauge
radialGauge.LabelExtent = 0.44
radialGauge.LabelInterval = 15

Title Properties

The following table summarizes the UltraRadialGauge control’s title properties.

Property Name Property Type TitleText


Gets or sets the text displayed in the title of the gauge.


Gets or sets the text displayed in the subtitle of the gauge.


Gets or sets the text displayed for the highlight label of the gauge.


Gets or sets the title showing the value of the gauge needle position.


Gets or sets the subtitle showing the value of the gauge needle position.


Gets or sets the highlight label showing the highlight value of the highlight needle.


Gets or sets the brush to use for rendering inner unit text


Gets or sets the font size for the Value.


Gets or sets the brush to use for rendering inner unit text


Gets or sets the font size for the Value.


Gets or sets the brush to use for rendering inner unit text


| Adding UltraRadialGauge |This topic explains using a code example how to add the UltraRadialGauge™ control to a Windows Forms application.

| Configuring the Background (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of the UltraRadialGauge™ control’s backing feature. It describes the properties of the backing area and provides an example of its implementation.

| Configuring Optical Scaling (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of labels with the UltraRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the scaling and configure the settings.

| Configuring Needles (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of needles with the UltraRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the needles and also provides an example of how to configure them.

| Configuring Ranges (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of the UltraRadialGauge™ control’s ranges. It describes the properties of the ranges and provides an example of how to add ranges to the radial gauge.

| Configuring the Scale (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of the UltraRadialGauge™ control’s scale. It describes the properties of the scale and also provides an example of how to implement it.

| Configuring the Tick Marks (UltraRadialGauge) |This topic provides a conceptual overview of tick marks with the UltraRadialGauge™ control. It describes the tick marks’ properties and provides an example of how to implement them.