


This section gives you an overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control and its main features.

About XamRadialGauge


The XamRadialGauge™ control is a data visualization tool capable of displaying a gauge containing a number of visual elements, such as a scale with tick marks and labels, a needle, and a number of ranges. Create a scale by supplying MinimumValue and MaximumValue values and a needle can point to a value by setting the Value property. The gauge also supports ranges, which provide visual cues for the scale, for more information see the Configuring Ranges (XamRadialGauge) topic.

The gauge comes with a backing shape drawn behind the scale that acts as a background for the gauge. The backing can be circular, which turns the shape into a full circle, or it can be fitted, which makes it sweep the scale – only providing backing behind the scale portion of the gauge, for more information see the Configuring the Background (XamRadialGauge) topic.

Gauge needle are available in one of the several predefined shapes. The needle can have a pivot shape, which is placed in the center of the gauge. The pivot shape also takes one of the predefined shapes. Pivot shapes that include an overlay or an underlay can have a separate pivot brush applied to the shape. For more information see the Configuring Needles (XamRadialGauge) topic.

This gauge supports only one scale, one needle, one set of tick marks and one set of labels. Practically all the changes made to the XamRadialGauge control are animation enhancements. This animation is highly customizable by setting the TransitionDuration property. You can achieve numerous needle shapes by fine tuning its shape parameters.


The following screenshot is a preview of the XamRadialGauge control with three ranges added to it.

xamRadialGauge Overview 2.png

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic explains using a code example how to add the XamRadialGauge™ control to a WPF application.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s backing feature. It describes the properties of the backing area and provides an example of its implementation.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of labels with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the labels and also provides an example of how to configure the labels.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of labels with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the scaling and configure the settings.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of needles with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the properties of the needles and also provides an example of how to configure them.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s ranges. It describes the properties of the ranges and provides an example of how to add ranges to the radial gauge.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of the XamRadialGauge™ control’s scale. It describes the properties of the scale and also provides an example of how to implement it.

This topic provides a conceptual overview of tick marks with the XamRadialGauge™ control. It describes the tick marks’ properties and provides an example of how to implement them.