
FormatConditionTextOperator Enumeration

Constants which specify the text comparison method applied when evaluating a format condition.
public enum FormatConditionTextOperator : System.Enum 
BeginsWithThe string being evaluated must begin with the value to which it is being compared in order for the condition to be met.
ContainsThe string being evaluated must match some part of the value to which it is being compared in order for the condition to be met.
DoesNotContainNegates the Contains value; the string being evaluated must not match any part of the value to which it is being compared in order for the condition to be met.
EndsWithThe string being evaluated must end with the value to which it is being compared in order for the condition to be met.

Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also