
Chart Axes


This topic provides conceptual information about Axis objects used in the XamDataChart™ control.

Required Background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic provides a general overview of the XamDataChart control

This topic provides information on how to get started with the XamDataChart control.

This topic provides information on requirements of Series objects in the XamDataChart control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:



In the XamDataChart control, an Axis provides base properties for specifying appearance of axis main lines, gridlines, tickmarks, titles, stripes, and axis labels. There are several types of axes which are used by different types of Chart Series supported in the chart control. The type of series determines what axes can be used with them. For more information on what axis types are required by a specific series, refer to the Series Requirements topic

Axis Properties

All types of axis object in the chart control have set of common properties and the following table list these properties:

Property Name Property Type Description

Determines which axis will cross the current axis (see also Configuring Axis Crossing)


Determines crossing location with another axis (see also Configuring Axis Crossing)


Determines whether or not orientation of axis is inverted (see also Configuring Axis Orientation)


Determines data mapping (category axis) and formatting (all axis) of labels


Determines angle rotation of axis labels


Determines empty space that extents between axis labels and the axis main line


Determines font of axis labels


Determines horizontal alignment of labels on CategoryYAxis and NumericYAxis only


Determines vertical alignment of labels on CategoryXAxis and NumericXAxis only

Determines location of axis labels in relation to axis main line and chart plot area


Determines whether or not axis labels are visible


Determines text color of axis labels


Determines brush of major gridlines on an axis


Determines thickness of major gridlines on an axis


Determines brush of major gridlines on an axis


Determines thickness of major gridlines on an axis


Determines brush of alternating strips between major gridlines on an axis


Determines brush of main axis line


Determines thickness of main axis line


Determines length of tick marks on an axis


Determines brush of tick marks on an axis


Determines thickness of tick marks on an axis


Determines title text on an axis


Determines angle rotation of axis title


Determines font of axis title


Determines horizontal alignment of title on CategoryXAxis and NumericXAxis only


Determines vertical alignment of title on CategoryYAxis and NumericYAxis only

Determines position of axis title in relation to axis labels


Determines text color of axis title

Axis Types

The chart control supports various types of axis. These axes are categorized in two groups based on their shape and orientation in the chart plot area. The following table lists these axis groups and all supported types of axis as well as applicable types of series.


All category axes require data binding and data mapping in order to show labels on the axis lines. Refere to the Getting Started with Data Chart topic for code example how to bind data to the category.

Cartesian Axes


Cartesian axes are used only with series that display data points in Cartesian coordinate system. These axes are displayed as horizontal or vertical lines. By default, horizontal and vertical axes are drawn from left to right and from bottom to top, respectively. However, the orientation of axes can be changed in chart control by using the IsInverted property on an individual axis. Perpendicular lines to these axes are called axis major gridlines and they can be spaced evenly by configuring the Interval axis property. Following sections provide descriptions of all Cartesian axes as well as illustrations of how they look with applicable series in the XamDataChart control.


The CategoryXAxis treats the data as a sequence of category data items. Labels on this axis are placed along the X-axis, according to their position in the sequence. This type of axis can display almost any type of data including strings and numbers.

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The CategoryYAxis treats the data as a sequence of category data items. Labels on this axis are placed along the Y-axis, according to their position in the sequence. This type of axis can display almost any type of data including strings and numbers.

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The CategoryDateTimeXAxis treats the data as a sequence category data items that are sorted by date. Labels on this axis are placed along the X-axis, according to the value in a data column that is mapped using the DateTimeMemberPath property of this axis.

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The NumericXAxis treats the data as continuously varying numerical data items. Labels on this axis are placed along the X-axis. Location of labels varies according to the value in a data column that is mapped using the XMemberPath property of Scatter Series or ValueMemberPath property of Bar Series.

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The NumericYAxis treats the data as continuously varying numerical data items. Labels on this axis are placed along the Y-axis. Location of labels varies according to the value in a data column that is mapped using the YMemberPath property for Scatter Series or ValueMemberPath property for Category Series

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Polar Axes


Polar axes are used exclusively with Polar Series and Radial Series types and they are displayed as lines along either the radius or the angle coordinates of the chart. The following sections provide descriptions of all polar axes as well as illustrations of how they look with applicable series in the chart control.


The NumericRadiusAxis treats the data as continuously varying numerical data items. The labels on this axis are placed around a circle. The location of labels varies according to the value in a data column mapped using the AngleMemberPath property of Polar Series object. For details on the NumericAngleAxis, refer to the Using Numeric Radius Axis topic.

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The NumericAngleAxis treats the data as continuously varying numerical data items. The labels on this axis are placed along a radius line starting from the center of circle Location of labels varies according to the value in the data column mapped using the RadiusMemberPath property of the Polar Series object or the ValueMemberPath property of the Radial Series object. For details on NumericRadiusAxis, refer to the Using Numeric Angle Axis topic

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The CategoryAngleAxis treats the data as a sequence of category data items. The labels on this axis are placed along the edge of a circle according to their position in the sequence. This type of axis can display almost any type of data including strings and numbers. For details on the CategoryAngleAxis, refer to the Using Category Angle Axis topic

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