Enumeration MarkerAutomaticBehavior

Describes mode for selecting marker type when the series marker type is set to automatic.

Enumeration Members

Circle: 4

Sets circle marker on all series in the chart.

CircleSmart: 0

Sets a circle marker on most series and no marker on bar, column, waterfall, polygon, and step series.

Diamond: 8

Sets diamond marker on all series in the chart.

Hexagon: 10

Sets Hexagon marker on all series in the chart.

Hexagram: 13

Sets six-pointed star marker on all series in the chart.

Indexed: 3

Sets marker for each series in the chart based on its index: circle, triangle, pyramid, etc.

None: 1

Sets no visible marker on all series in the chart.

Pentagon: 9

Sets pentagon marker on all series in the chart.

Pentagram: 12

Sets five-pointed star marker on all series in the chart.

Pyramid: 6

Sets flat-base triangle marker on all series in the chart.

SmartIndexed: 2

Sets an marker on most series based on its index and no marker on bar, column, waterfall, polygon, and step series.

Square: 7

Sets square marker shape on all series in the chart.

Tetragram: 11

Sets four-pointed star marker on all series in the chart.

Triangle: 5

Sets flat-top triangle marker on all series in the chart.