Enumeration CellPropertyAnimationType

Enumerates the options for how cell property animates are applied.

Enumeration Members

BoolValue: 5

The property is animated as a bool value.

BrushValue: 2

The property is animated as a brush value.

DateValue: 7

The property is animated as a date value.

DoubleValue: 0

The property is animated as a double value.

EnumValue: 4

The property is animated as a enum value.

FontValue: 3

The property is animated as a font value.

IgnoredValue: 10

The property value is ignored and not propagated to live cells.

IntValue: 6

The property is animated as an int value.

None: 11

The property value is not animated.

NumberValue: 1

The property is animated as a number value.

ObjectValue: 9

The property is animated as an object value.

StringValue: 8

The propety is animated as a string value.