

  • IIgrFunnelChartProps


actualHighlightValueDisplayMode?: string | HighlightedValueDisplayMode

Gets whether and how to display the highlighted value.

actualHighlightValueOpacity?: string | number

Gets the actual opacity of the primary needle while highlighting

allowSliceSelection?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to allow slices to be selected.

bottomEdgeWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the percentage (from near 0 to 1) of space the bottom edge of the funnel should take.

brushes?: string | string[]

Gets or sets the palette of brushes to use for coloring the slices.

children?: ReactNode
dataSource?: any[]

Gets or sets the data for the chart to use. This can be overriden at the series and axis level.

formatInnerLabel?: ((arg1, arg2, arg3) => string)

Type declaration

    • (arg1, arg2, arg3): string
    • Gets or sets the formatter function for inner labels. Function should return string and it takes 3 parameters: 1st-value of item to format, 2nd-index of item within data, 3rd-reference to the funnel chart.


      • arg1: any
      • arg2: number
      • arg3: any

      Returns string

formatOuterLabel?: ((arg1, arg2, arg3) => string)

Type declaration

    • (arg1, arg2, arg3): string
    • Gets or sets the formatter function for outer labels. Function should return string and it takes 3 parameters: 1st-value of item to format, 2nd-index of item within data, 3rd-reference to the funnel chart.


      • arg1: any
      • arg2: number
      • arg3: any

      Returns string

funnelSliceDisplay?: string | FunnelSliceDisplay

Gets or sets how the heights of the funnel slices should be configured.

height?: string
highlightValueDisplayMode?: string | HighlightedValueDisplayMode

Gets or sets whether and how to display the highlighted value.

highlightValueOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity while highlighting

highlightedValueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the highlighted value member path for the funnel chart.

innerLabelMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the InnerLabel mapping property for the current series object.

innerLabelVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets whether the inner labels are visible.

isInverted?: string | boolean

Gets or sets if the funnel should be rendered inverted.

legend?: any
legendItemBadgeTemplate?: IgDataTemplate

Gets or sets the LegendItemBadgeTemplate to use for the legend items.

outerLabelAlignment?: string | OuterLabelAlignment

Gets or sets which side of the chart the outer labels should appear.

outerLabelMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the OuterLabel mapping property for the current series object.

outerLabelTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the brush used for the outer labels.

outerLabelTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style for outer labels

outerLabelVisibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets whether the outer labels are visible.

outlineThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the thickness of outline around slices.

outlines?: string | string[]

Gets or sets the palette of brushes to use for outlines on the slices.

pixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

selectedSliceFill?: string

Gets or sets the fill brush.

selectedSliceOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity.

selectedSliceStroke?: string

Gets or sets the stroke brush.

selectedSliceStrokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the stroke thickness.

sliceClicked?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

    • (s, e): void
    • Event which is raised when a slice is clicked. Function takes first argument null and second argument ui. Use ui.owner to obtain reference to igFunnelChart. Use ui.index to obtain index of clicked slice. Use ui.item to obtain reference to clicked slice item. Use ui.selected to check if slice became selected.


      Returns void

sliceEnter?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

sliceHover?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

sliceLeave?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

textColor?: string

Gets or sets the brush used for the inner labels.

textStyle?: string

Gets or sets the text style for inner labels

transitionDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets how long the animations should take to run.

unselectedSliceFill?: string

Gets or sets the fill brush.

unselectedSliceOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity.

unselectedSliceStroke?: string

Gets or sets the stroke brush.

unselectedSliceStrokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the stroke thickness.

useBezierCurve?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to use a Bezier curve to define the funnel.

useOuterLabelsForLegend?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to use the outer labels to identify the legend items.

useUnselectedStyle?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether to use the unselected style on unselected slices.

valueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the value member path for the funnel chart.

width?: string