

  • IIgrTreemapProps



actualHighlightingMode?: string | TreemapHighlightingMode

Gets the actual highlighting mode used.

actualInteractionPixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets or sets the resolved scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control while it is animating. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

actualPixelScalingRatio?: string | number
breadcrumbSequence?: string

Gets or sets the root title to use for breadcrumbs.

children?: ReactNode
customValueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the path to use to get the custom value of the items.

darkTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the dark text color to use for the nodes.

dataSource?: any[]

Gets or sets the (possibly hierarchical) data to assign to the TreeMap.

fillBrushes?: string | string[]

Gets or sets brushes to use for the fill scale.

fillScaleLogarithmBase?: string | number

Gets or sets the logarithm base to use if the fill scale is logarithmic.

fillScaleMaximumValue?: string | number

Gets or sets the maximum value to use for the fill scale.

fillScaleMinimumValue?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum value to use for the fill scale.

fillScaleMode?: string | TreemapFillScaleMode

Gets or sets mode to use for the fill scale.

focusItem?: any

Gets or sets the item to drill to in the treemap.

headerBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background to use for the header.

headerDarkTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the dark text color to use for the header.

headerDisplayMode?: string | TreemapHeaderDisplayMode

Gets or sets the font to use for header nodes

headerHeight?: string | number

Gets or sets the height to use for the header.

headerHoverBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background to use for the header when it is hovered.

headerHoverDarkTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the dark text color to use for the header when hovered.

headerHoverTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color to use for the header.

headerLabelBottomMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom margin to use for the header.

headerLabelLeftMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the left margin to use for the header.

headerLabelRightMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the right margin to use for the header.

headerLabelTopMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the top margin to use for the header.

headerTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color to use for the header.

headerTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use for header nodes

height?: string
highlightedDataSource?: any[]

Gets or sets the data to highlight.

highlightedValueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the highlighted value mapping property.

highlightedValueOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity applied to the node underneath the highlighted value.

highlightedValuesDisplayMode?: string | TreemapHighlightedValueDisplayMode

Gets or sets the display mode for highlighted values.

highlightingFadeOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity to use for nodes that are not highlighted when HighlightingMode is set to FadeOthers.

highlightingMode?: string | TreemapHighlightingMode

Gets or sets the highlighting mode to use.

highlightingTransitionDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets the number of milliseconds over which the highlighting effect will render.

idMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the path to use to get the id of the items.

interactionPixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control while it is animating. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

isFillScaleLogarithmic?: string | boolean

Gets or sets whether the fill scale is logarithmic.

labelBottomMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom margin to use for the labels.

labelHorizontalAlignment?: string | HorizontalAlignment

Gets or sets the horizontal alignment to use for the node labels.

labelHorizontalFitMode?: string | TreemapLabelHorizontalFitMode

Gets or sets the horizontal fit mode to use for the node labels.

labelLeftMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the left margin to use for the labels.

labelMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the path to use to get the Label of the items.

labelRightMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the right margin to use for the labels.

labelTopMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the top margin to use for the labels.

labelVerticalAlignment?: string | VerticalAlignment

Gets or sets the vertical alignment to use for the node labels.

labelVerticalFitMode?: string | TreemapLabelVerticalFitMode

Gets or sets the vertical fit mode to use for the node labels.

layoutOrientation?: string | TreemapOrientation

Gets or sets the orientation to use for the stripped and slice and dice layout types.

layoutType?: string | TreemapLayoutType

Gets or sets the type of layout to use for the nodes.

minimumDisplaySize?: string | number

Gets or sets the minimum size (width or height) to display a node.

nodeOpacity?: string | number

Gets or sets the opacity to use for the nodes.

nodePointerEnter?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodePointerLeave?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodePointerOver?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodePointerPressed?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodePointerReleased?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodeRenderStyling?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

nodeStyling?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

outline?: string

Gets or sets the outline to use for the nodes.

overlayHeaderBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background to use for the overlay header.

overlayHeaderHoverBackground?: string

Gets or sets the background to use for the overlay header when it is hovered.

overlayHeaderLabelBottomMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom margin to use for the overlay header.

overlayHeaderLabelLeftMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the left margin to use for the overlay header.

overlayHeaderLabelRightMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the right margin to use for the overlay header.

overlayHeaderLabelTopMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the top margin to use for the overlay header.

parentIdMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets the path to use to get the Parent of the items.

parentNodeBottomMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom margin to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeBottomPadding?: string | number

Gets or sets the bottom padding to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeLeftMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the left margin to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeLeftPadding?: string | number

Gets or sets the left padding to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeRightMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the right margin to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeRightPadding?: string | number

Gets or sets the right padding to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeTopMargin?: string | number

Gets or sets the top margin to use for the parent nodes.

parentNodeTopPadding?: string | number

Gets or sets the top padding to use for the parent nodes.

pixelScalingRatio?: string | number

Gets or sets the scaling value used to affect the pixel density of the control. A higher scaling ratio will produce crisper visuals at the expense of memory. Lower values will cause the control to appear blurry.

rootTitle?: string

Gets or sets the root title to use for breadcrumbs.

strokeThickness?: string | number

Gets or sets the stroke thickness to use for the node outline.

textColor?: string

Gets or sets the text color to use for the nodes.

textStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use for content nodes

transitionDuration?: string | number

Gets or sets the number of milliseconds over which changes to the gauge should be animated.

valueMemberPath?: string

Gets or sets path to use to get the values from the items.

width?: string