


actualBackground?: string

Gets the actual background used by the tool action.

actualDisabledTextColor?: string

Gets the actual label text color when the tool is disabled.

actualHighlightColor?: string
actualHighlightRadius?: string | number
actualHighlightWidth?: string | number
actualHoverBackground?: string

Gets the actual hover background used by the tool action.

actualIconFill?: string

Gets the actual icon fill color.

actualIconHeight?: string | number

Gets the actual icon height used.

actualIconStroke?: string

Gets the actual icon stroke color.

actualIconWidth?: string | number

Gets the actual icon width used.

actualPaddingBottom?: string | number
actualPaddingLeft?: string | number
actualPaddingRight?: string | number
actualPaddingTop?: string | number
actualSubtitleTextColor?: string

Gets the actual label text color.

actualSubtitleTextStyle?: FontInfo

Gets the actual font used.

actualTextColor?: string

Gets the actual label text color.

actualTextStyle?: FontInfo

Gets the actual font used.

afterId?: string

Gets or sets the Id of the action that this action will be inserted after. Subsequent actions will continue to insert after the target action, following the original action that set this property. If using this property do not use the BeforeId property. This property is only relevant during initial insertion into the toolbar. Changing the property after the action has already been added will have no effect.

background?: string

Gets or sets the background color of the tool action.

beforeId?: string

Gets or sets the Id of the action that this action will be inserted before. Subsequent actions will continue to insert before the target action, following the original action that set this property. If using this property do not use the AfterId property. This property is only relevant during initial insertion into the toolbar. Changing the property after the action has already been added will have no effect.

children?: ReactNode
closeOnExecute?: string | boolean

Gets or sets if the tool action will close its parent dropdown when executed by the user.

commandArgument?: string
commandArgumentValue?: any
commandId?: string
disabledTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the label text color when the tool is disabled.

highlightColor?: string
highlightRadius?: string | number
highlightWidth?: string | number
hoverBackground?: string

Gets or sets the hover background for this tool action.

iconCollectionName?: string
iconFill?: string

Gets or sets the icon fill color.

iconFillColors?: string | string[]

Gets or sets the icon fill colors.

iconHeight?: string | number

Gets or sets the height of the icon.

iconName?: string
iconStroke?: string

Gets or sets the icon stroke color.

iconStrokeColors?: string | string[]

Gets or sets the icon stroke colors.

iconStrokeWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the icon viewbox width.

iconViewBoxHeight?: string | number

Gets or sets the icon viewbox height.

iconViewBoxLeft?: string | number

Gets or sets the icon viewbox left.

iconViewBoxTop?: string | number

Gets or sets the icon viewbox top.

iconViewBoxWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the icon viewbox width.

iconWidth?: string | number

Gets or sets the width of the icon.

isDisabled?: string | boolean
isHighlighted?: string | boolean
name?: string
onCommand?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

overlayId?: string

Sets to the Id of the action that this action will overlay itself on to. The purpose of this property is to allow users to override actions automatically generated by toolbar targets such as the DataChart. These generated actions all have unique Ids associated with them that can be used for the OverlayId. These overlaid actions will not replace the generated one but will have its properties overlaid onto the generated actions.

paddingBottom?: string | number
paddingLeft?: string | number
paddingRight?: string | number
paddingTop?: string | number
parentId?: string
performed?: ((s, e) => void)

Type declaration

subtitle?: string

Gets or sets the subtitle of the tool.

subtitleTextColor?: string

Gets or sets the label text color.

subtitleTextStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use.

textColor?: string

Gets or sets the label text color.

textStyle?: string

Gets or sets the font to use.

title?: string

Gets or sets the title of the tool.

visibility?: string | Visibility

Gets or sets the tool action visibility.

width?: string | number

Gets or sets the width to use for this tool action.