Provides information about the types of changes that are disabled when the associated Worksheet is protected.

When a Worksheet is protected, the contents of unprotected cells may be edited by the end-user. One way to unprotect a cell is to change the [[IWorksheetCellFormat.locked]] property to false. Such cells may be edited by all users. Another way to unprotect cells is using the [[allowedEditRanges]]. This is a collection of [[WorksheetProtectedRange]] instances that define a range of cells that is optionally protected by another password. For any other cells, the Worksheet would need to be unprotected first. A Worksheet may be programatically unprotected using the Worksheet.Unprotect() method.

The [[selectionMode]] property is used to control which cells the end user may select when the Worksheet has been protected. This property may be set before or after protecting a Worksheet.

Many of the other properties of this class are read-only (e.g. [[allowDeletingColumns]]). The state of these properties are optionally set when the Worksheet is protected (e.g. using the [[Worksheet.protect]] method.

@see@see@see [[]]


  • [[Worksheet.protect]]


Hierarchy (view full)



$type: Type
$t: Type
nextHashCode: number


  • get allowDeletingColumns(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the deletion of columns is allowed in a protected worksheet.


    • [[allowDeletingRows]]
    • [[allowInsertingColumns]]
    • [[allowInsertingRows]]

    Returns boolean

  • set allowDeletingColumns(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowDeletingRows(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the deletion of rows is allowed in a protected worksheet.


    • [[allowDeletingColumns]]
    • [[allowInsertingColumns]]
    • [[allowInsertingRows]]

    Returns boolean

  • set allowDeletingRows(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowEditObjects(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if objects such as shapes, comments, charts and controls may be created or changed when the worksheet is protected.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowEditObjects(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowEditScenarios(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if existing scenarios are protected when the worksheet is protected.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowEditScenarios(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowFiltering(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may use an auto filter created before the worksheet was protected.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowFiltering(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowFormattingCells(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may change the formatting of cells in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowFormattingCells(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowFormattingColumns(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may change column information such as its width or visibility in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowFormattingColumns(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowFormattingRows(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may change row information such as its height or visibility in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowFormattingRows(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowInsertingColumns(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may insert columns in a protected worksheet.


    • [[allowDeletingColumns]]
    • [[allowDeletingRows]]
    • [[allowInsertingRows]]

    Returns boolean

  • set allowInsertingColumns(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may insert hyperlinks in unlocked cells in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowInsertingRows(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user may insert rows in a protected worksheet.


    • [[allowDeletingColumns]]
    • [[allowInsertingColumns]]
    • [[allowDeletingRows]]

    Returns boolean

  • set allowInsertingRows(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowSorting(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the sorting is allowed in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowSorting(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get allowUsingPivotTables(): boolean
  • Returns a boolean indicating if the user can change pivot tables in a protected worksheet.

    Returns boolean

  • set allowUsingPivotTables(a): void
  • Parameters

    • a: boolean

    Returns void

  • get selectionMode(): WorksheetProtectedSelectionMode
  • Returns or sets an enumeration used to indicate how cell selection should be affected when the associated Worksheet is protected.

    Returns WorksheetProtectedSelectionMode

  • set selectionMode(a): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • Gets the range at the specified index in the collection. The range at the specified index.


    [[ArgumentOutOfRangeException]] 'index' is less than zero or 'index' is greater than or equal to [[count]].


    • index: number

      The zero-based index of the range to get.

    Returns WorksheetProtectedRange

  • Returns a collection of [[WorksheetProtectedRange]] instances that define which locked ranges of cells may be edited in a protected worksheet.

    When a Worksheet is protected the only cells that may be edited are those whose [[IWorksheetCellFormat.locked]] property has been set to false. All other cells are not editable by default. One can make additional cells or ranges of cells editable via this collection. The [[WorksheetProtectedRange]] instances specify the range to which it applies and optionally a password that may be used to unlock that range.

    Returns WorksheetProtectedRangeCollection

  • Parameters

    • other: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean