Identifies the operator type of an operator filter expression.

Enumeration Members

Add: 10

Adds two expressions.

And: 7

Applies the And operator to two expressions.

Divide: 13

Divides one expression by another.

Equal: 1

Determines if two expressions are equal.

GreaterThan: 3

Determines if an expression is greater than another.

GreaterThanOrEqual: 4

Determines if an expression is greater than or equal to another.

Grouping: 15

Groups an expression.

LessThan: 5

Determines if an expression is less than another.

LessThanOrEqual: 6

Determines if an expression is less than or equal to another.

Modulo: 14

Performs the modulus of one expression by another.

Multiply: 12

Multiplies two expressions.

None: 0

No operator type specified.

Not: 9

Applies the Not operator to a single expression.

NotEqual: 2

Determines if two expressions are not equal.

Or: 8

Applies the Or operator to two expressions.

Subtract: 11

Subtracts one expression from another.