Describes available types of item represented by the current row of a shapefile.

Enumeration Members

None: 0

A placeholder value which cannot occur when reading a shapefile.

Point: 1

Specifies a point shape.

PointM: 21

Specifies a pointm shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PointZ: 11

Specifies a polypoint shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolyLine: 3

Specifies a polyline shape.

PolyLineM: 23

Specifies a polylinem shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolyLineZ: 13

Specifies a polylinez shape

PolyPatch: 31

Specifies a polypatchm shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolyPoint: 8

Specifies a polypoint shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolyPointM: 28

Specifies a polypointm shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolyPointZ: 18

Specifies a polypointz shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

Polygon: 5

Specifies a polygon shape.

PolygonM: 25

Specifies a polygonm shape (not supported; cannot occur when reading a shapefile)

PolygonZ: 15

Specifies a polygonz shape