Represents the description of the Japanese input rules.

Enumeration Members

Disabled: 3

The ime mode is disabled.

FullAlpha: 7

The ime mode is set to full-width alphanumeric.

FullHangul: 9

The ime mode is set to full-width Hangul.

FullKatakana: 5

The ime mode is set to Katakana

HalfAlpha: 8

The ime mode is set to half-width alphanumeric.

HalfHangul: 10

The ime mode is set to half-width Hangul.

HalfKatakana: 6

The ime mode is set to half-width Katakana.

Hiragana: 4

The ime mode is set to Hiragana.

NoControl: 0

The ime mode is not controlled.

Off: 2

The ime mode is off.

On: 1

The ime mode is on.