Constants which determine whether a chart element is positioned automatically or at a specific location in the chart space.

Enumeration Members

Automatic: -4105

The chart element is positioned automatically as appropriate for that element. For example, a [[ChartTitle]] is typically positioned at the top of the chart space, centered horizontally.

Bottom: 103

The chart element is positioned under the plot area, centered horizontally. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

BottomLeft: 106

The chart element is positioned below the plot area, horizontally aligned with the left edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

BottomRight: 107

The chart element is positioned below the plot area, horizontally aligned with the right edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

Custom: -4114


Left: 101

The chart element is positioned to the left of the plot area, centered vertically. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

LeftBottom: 109

The chart element is positioned to the left of the plot area, vertically aligned with the bottom edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

LeftTop: 108

The chart element is positioned to the left of the plot area, vertically aligned with the top edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

Right: 102

The chart element is positioned to the right of the plot area, centered vertically. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

RightBottom: 111

The chart element is positioned to the right of the plot area, vertically aligned with the bottom edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

RightTop: 110

The chart element is positioned to the right of the plot area, vertically aligned with the top edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

Top: 100

The chart element is positioned above the plot area, centered horizontally. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

TopLeft: 104

The chart element is positioned above the plot area, horizontally aligned with the left edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.

TopRight: 105

The chart element is positioned above the plot area, horizontally aligned with the right edge. Applicable only for BoxAndWhisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, and Waterfall chart types.