Constants which determine the criteria for a format condition.

Enumeration Members

Average: 11

Cells with values which are greater than or less than the average value for the associated region are formatted.

Blanks: 9

Cells with no value are formatted. Note that foreground-related properties such as font colors are not applicable.

CellValue: 0

The format is based on the cell's value, which is evaluated against one or more conditions to determine whether the value meets a particular criteria.

ColorScale: 2

Represents a conditional formatting rule which applies gradations to cell colors to indicate relative differences in the values of cells which belong to the associated range.

DataBar: 3

Represents a conditional formatting rule which renders a color bar inside the cell to indicate relative differences in the values of cells which belong to the associated range.

DuplicateValues: 7

Cells with values which are duplicated (non-unique) across the associated range are formatted.

Errors: 13

The format is applied to cells which contain an error.

Expression: 1

The format is determined by evaluating a formula.

IconSets: 5

Represents a conditional formatting rule which displays an icon inside the cell which indicates the cell's value as relative to the highest and lowest value in the associated range.

NoBlanks: 12

Cells with a non-empty value are formatted.

NoErrors: 14

The format is applied to cells which do not contain an error.

Rank: 4

Cells with the top/bottom n values are formatted, where n represents a numeric, percentage, or percentile ranking. For example, this type can be used to to enable a 'top ten' condition.

TextString: 8

The format is determined by whether the cell's value matches a literal string value.

TimePeriod: 10

The format is determined by whether a cell's date value falls within a given period of time.

UniqueValues: 6

Cells with values which are unique across the associated range are formatted.