Constants which identify the type of value which defines the criteria for a [[ColorScaleCriterion]] or [[IconCriterion]].

Enumeration Members

AutomaticMaximum: 7

The longest data bar is proportional to the highest value across the associated range. Applicable only to the [[IconCriterion]] class.

AutomaticMinimum: 6

The shortest data bar is proportional to the lowest value across the associated range. Applicable only to the [[IconCriterion]] class.

Formula: 3

The criteria is defined by a formula.

HighestValue: 5

The criteria is defined by the highest value across the associated range.

LowestValue: 4

The criteria is defined by the lowest value across the associated range.

Number: 0

The criteria is defined by a numeric value.

Percentage: 1

The criteria is defined by a percentage.

Percentile: 2

The criteria is defined by a percentile rating.