Enumeration used to identify the borders of a cell range.

Enumeration Members

AllBorder: 63

Border along the outside and inside of the range. This is equivalent to choosing OutsideBorder and InsideBorder.

BottomBorder: 8

Border at the bottom edge of the range.

DiagonalDown: 64

Border running from the upper left corner to the lower right of each cell in the range.

DiagonalUp: 128

Border running from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of each cell in the range.

InsideBorder: 48

Border along the inside of the range. This is equivalent to choosing InsideVertical and InsideHorizontal

InsideHorizontal: 16

Horizontal border for all cells within the center excluding the outside edge of the range.

InsideVertical: 32

Vertical border for all cells within the center excluding the outside edge of the range.

LeftBorder: 1

Border at the left edge of the range

OutsideBorder: 15

Border along the outside of the range. This is equivalent to choosing LeftBorder, RightBorder, TopBorder and BottomBorder.

RightBorder: 4

Border at the right edge of the range.

TopBorder: 2

Border at the top edge of the range.