
dataPreLoad: CustomEvent<IgcForOfState>

Emitted when a new chunk of data is loaded from virtualization.


 <igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [autoGenerate]="true" (dataPreLoad)='handleDataPreloadEvent()'></igx-grid>
groupingDone: CustomEvent<IgcGroupingDoneEventArgs>

Emitted when columns are grouped/ungrouped.


The groupingDone event would be raised only once if several columns get grouped at once by calling the groupBy() or clearGrouping() API methods and passing an array as an argument. The event arguments provide the expressions, groupedColumns and ungroupedColumns properties, which contain the ISortingExpression and the IgxColumnComponent related to the grouping/ungrouping operation. Please note that groupedColumns and ungroupedColumns show only the newly changed columns (affected by the last grouping/ungrouping operation), not all columns which are currently grouped/ungrouped. columns.


<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" (groupingDone)="groupingDone($event)" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-grid>