이 컨트롤은 더 이상 사용되지 않고 그리드 구성 요소로 대체되었으므로 해당 컨트롤로 마이그레이션하는 것이 좋습니다. 새로운 기능은 제공되지 않으며 버그 수정은 우선순위에서 제외됩니다. 코드베이스를 Data Grid로 마이그레이션하는 데 도움이 필요하거나 질문이 있으면 지원팀에 문의하세요.
Web Components Grid Column Resizing
Ignite UI for Web Components 열 크기를 조정할 수 있는 기능을 지원하여 각 열의 너비에 따라 열을 표시하는 방법을 유연하게 결정할 수 있습니다.
Web Components 그리드 열 크기 조정 예제
export class DataGridSharedData {
public static getEmployees(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const employees: any[] = [];
let maleCount: number = 0;
let femaleCount: number = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const age: number = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(20, 40));
const gender: string = this.getRandomGender();
const firstName: string = this.getRandomNameFirst(gender);
const lastName: string = this.getRandomNameLast();
const street: string = this.getRandomStreet();
const country: string = this.getRandomItem(this.countries);
const city: string = this.getRandomCity(country);
const generation = Math.floor(age / 10) * 10 + "s";
const email: string = firstName.toLowerCase() + "@" + this.getRandomItem(this.emails);
const website: string = firstName.toLowerCase() + "-" + this.getRandomItem(this.websites);
let photoPath: any;
if (gender === "male") {
if (maleCount > 26) {
maleCount = 1;
photoPath = this.getPhotoMale(maleCount);
else {
if (femaleCount > 24) {
femaleCount = 1;
photoPath = this.getPhotoFemale(femaleCount);
let person: any = {};
person.Address = street + "," + city;
person.Age = age;
person.Birthday = this.getBirthday(age);
person.City = city;
person.Country = country;
person.CountryFlag = this.getCountryFlag(country);
person.Email = email;
person.FirstName = firstName;
person.Gender = this.getGenderPhoto(gender);
person.Generation = generation;
person.ID = this.pad(i + 1, 5);
person.LastName = lastName;
person.Name = firstName + " " + lastName;
person.Phone = this.getRandomPhone();
person.Photo = photoPath;
person.Street = street;
person.Salary = this.getRandomNumber(40, 200) * 1000;
person.Sales = this.getRandomNumber(200, 980) * 1000;
person.Website = website;
person.Productivity = this.getProductivity();
if (person.Salary < 50000) {
person.Income = "Low";
} else if (person.Salary < 100000) {
person.Income = "Average";
} else {
person.Income = "High";
return employees;
public static getProductivity(weekCount?: number): any[] {
if (weekCount === undefined) {
weekCount = 52;
const productivity: any[] = [];
for (let w = 0; w < weekCount; w++) {
const value = this.getRandomNumber(-50, 50);
productivity.push({Value: value, Week: w});
return productivity;
public static getSales(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const names: string[] = [
"Intel CPU", "AMD CPU",
"Intel Motherboard", "AMD Motherboard", "NVIDIA Motherboard",
"Corsair Memory", "Patriot Memory", "Skill Memory",
"Samsung HDD", "WD HDD", "Seagate HDD", "Intel HDD",
"Samsung SSD", "WD SSD", "Seagate SSD", "Intel SSD",
"Samsung Monitor", "Asus Monitor", "LG Monitor", "HP Monitor" ];
const countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland", "Japan", "Germany"];
const status: string[] = ["Packing", "Shipped", "Delivered"];
const sales: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const price = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const items = this.getRandomNumber(10, 80);
const value = price * items;
const margin = this.getRandomNumber(3, 10);
const profit = Math.round((price * margin / 100) * items);
const country = this.getRandomItem(countries);
BundlePrice: price,
ProductPrice: price,
Margin: margin,
OrderDate: this.getRandomDate(new Date(2012, 0, 1), new Date()),
OrderItems: items,
OrderValue: value, // Math.round(value / 1000) + "," + Math.round(value % 1000),
ProductID: 1001 + i,
ProductName: this.getRandomItem(names),
Profit: profit,
Countries: country,
CountryFlag: this.getCountryFlag(country),
Status: this.getRandomItem(status)
return sales;
public static getHouses(count?: number): any[] {
if (count === undefined) {
count = 250;
const houses: any[] = [];
const property: string[] = [ "Townhouse", "Single", "Condo", "Villa"];
const emails: string[] = [ "estates.com", "remax.com", "zillow.com", "realtor.com", "coldwell.com"];
const countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland", "Japan", "Germany"];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
const year: number = this.getRandomNumber(1950, 2015);
const age: number = 2020 - year;
const gender: string = this.getRandomGender();
const firstName: string = this.getRandomNameFirst(gender);
const lastName: string = this.getRandomNameLast();
const initials = firstName.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
const email: string = initials + lastName.toLowerCase() + "@" + this.getRandomItem(emails);
const street: string = this.getRandomStreet();
const country: string = this.getRandomItem(countries);
const city: string = this.getRandomCity(country);
Address: street + "," + city,
Age: age,
Agent: firstName + " " + lastName,
Area: this.getRandomNumber(50, 300),
Baths: this.getRandomNumber(1, 3),
Built: year,
City: city,
Country: country,
CountryFlag: this.getCountryFlag(country),
Email: email,
ID: this.pad(i + 1, 5),
Phone: this.getRandomPhone(),
Price: this.getRandomNumber(210, 900) * 1000,
Property: this.getRandomItem(property),
Rooms: this.getRandomNumber(2, 5),
SaleDate: this.getRandomDate(new Date(2015, 0, 1), new Date()),
Street: street,
return houses;
private static websites: string[] = [ ".com", ".gov", ".edu", ".org"];
private static emails: string[] = [ "gmail.com", "yahoo.com", "twitter.com"];
private static genders: string[] = ["male", "female"];
private static maleNames: string[] = ["Kyle", "Oscar", "Ralph", "Mike", "Bill", "Frank", "Howard", "Jack", "Larry", "Pete", "Steve", "Vince", "Mark", "Alex", "Max", "Brian", "Chris", "Andrew", "Martin", "Mike", "Steve", "Glenn", "Bruce"];
private static femaleNames: string[] = ["Gina", "Irene", "Katie", "Brenda", "Casey", "Fiona", "Holly", "Kate", "Liz", "Pamela", "Nelly", "Marisa", "Monica", "Anna", "Jessica", "Sofia", "Isabella", "Margo", "Jane", "Audrey", "Sally", "Melanie", "Greta", "Aurora", "Sally"];
private static lastNames: string[] = ["Adams", "Crowley", "Ellis", "Martinez", "Irvine", "Maxwell", "Clark", "Owens", "Rooney", "Lincoln", "Thomas", "Spacey", "MOrgan", "King", "Newton", "Fitzgerald", "Holmes", "Jefferson", "Landry", "Berry", "Perez", "Spencer", "Starr", "Carter", "Edwards", "Stark", "Johnson", "Fitz", "Chief", "Blanc", "Perry", "Stone", "Williams", "Lane", "Jobs", "Adams", "Power", "Tesla"];
private static countries: string[] = ["USA", "UK", "France", "Canada", "Poland"];
private static citiesUS: string[] = ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Miami", "San Francisco", "San Diego", "Las Vegas"];
private static citiesUK: string[] = ["London", "Liverpool", "Manchester"];
private static citiesFR: string[] = ["Paris", "Marseille", "Lyon"];
private static citiesCA: string[] = ["Toronto", "Vancouver", "Montreal"];
private static citiesPL: string[] = ["Krakow", "Warsaw", "Wroclaw", "Gdansk"];
private static citiesJP: string[] = ["Tokyo", "Osaka", "Kyoto", "Yokohama"];
private static citiesGR: string[] = ["Berlin", "Bonn", "Cologne", "Munich", "Hamburg"];
private static roadSuffixes: string[] = ["Road", "Street", "Way"];
private static roadNames: string[] = ["Main", "Garden", "Broad", "Oak", "Cedar", "Park", "Pine", "Elm", "Market", "Hill"];
private static getRandomNumber(min: number, max: number): number {
return Math.round(min + Math.random() * (max - min));
private static getRandomItem(array: any[]): any {
const index = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(0, array.length - 1));
return array[index];
private static getRandomDate(start: Date, end: Date) {
return new Date(start.getTime() + Math.random() * (end.getTime() - start.getTime()));
private static getRandomPhone(): string {
const phoneCode = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const phoneNum1 = this.getRandomNumber(100, 900);
const phoneNum2 = this.getRandomNumber(1000, 9000);
const phone = phoneCode + "-" + phoneNum1 + "-" + phoneNum2;
return phone;
private static getRandomGender(): string {
return this.getRandomItem(this.genders);
private static getRandomNameLast(): string {
return this.getRandomItem(this.lastNames);
private static getRandomNameFirst(gender: string): string {
if (gender === "male") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.maleNames);
else {
return this.getRandomItem(this.femaleNames);
private static getRandomCity(country: string): string {
if (country === "Canada") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesCA);
} else if (country === "France") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesFR);
} else if (country === "Poland") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesPL);
} else if (country === "USA") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesUS);
} else if (country === "Japan") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesJP);
} else if (country === "Germany") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesGR);
} else { // if (country === "United Kingdom") {
return this.getRandomItem(this.citiesUK);
private static getRandomStreet(): string {
const num = Math.round(this.getRandomNumber(100, 300)).toString();
const road = this.getRandomItem(this.roadNames);
const suffix = this.getRandomItem(this.roadSuffixes);
return num + " " + road + " " + suffix;
private static getBirthday(age: number): Date {
const today: Date = new Date();
const year: number = today.getFullYear() - age;
const month: number = this.getRandomNumber(0, 8);
const day: number = this.getRandomNumber(10, 27);
return new Date(year, month, day);
private static getPhotoMale(id: number): string {
return 'https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/people//GUY' + this.pad(id, 2) + '.png';
private static getPhotoFemale(id: number): string {
return 'https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/people/GIRL' + this.pad(id, 2) + '.png';
private static getGenderPhoto(gender: string): string {
return 'https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/genders/' + gender + '.png';
private static getCountryFlag(country: string): string {
return 'https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/images/flags/' + country + '.png';
private static pad(num: number, size: number) {
let s = num + "";
while (s.length < size) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
tsimport { IgcDataGridModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
import { IgcGridColumnOptionsModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
import { IgcDataGridComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { DataGridSharedData } from './DataGridSharedData';
import { ColumnResizingMode } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
import { ColumnResizingAnimationMode } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
export class DataGridColumnResizing {
private grid: IgcDataGridComponent;
constructor() {
this.onColumnResizingAnimationModeValueChanged = this.onColumnResizingAnimationModeValueChanged.bind(this);
this.onColumnResizingModeValueChanged = this.onColumnResizingModeValueChanged.bind(this);
this.onSeparatorWidthRangeValueChanged = this.onSeparatorWidthRangeValueChanged.bind(this);
this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcDataGridComponent;
this.grid.dataSource = DataGridSharedData.getEmployees();
document.getElementById('columnResizingAnimationModeDropDown')!.addEventListener('change', this.onColumnResizingAnimationModeValueChanged);
document.getElementById('separatorWidthRange')!.addEventListener('change', this.onSeparatorWidthRangeValueChanged);
document.getElementById('columnResizingModeDropDown')!.addEventListener('change', this.onColumnResizingModeValueChanged);
onColumnResizingAnimationModeValueChanged(e: any) {
let value = e.target.value;
switch (value) {
case 'Auto': {
this.grid.columnResizingAnimationMode = ColumnResizingAnimationMode.Auto;
case 'Interpolate': {
this.grid.columnResizingAnimationMode = ColumnResizingAnimationMode.Interpolate;
case 'None': {
this.grid.columnResizingAnimationMode = ColumnResizingAnimationMode.None;
onSeparatorWidthRangeValueChanged(e: any) {
this.grid.columnResizingSeparatorWidth = e.target.value;
onColumnResizingModeValueChanged(e: any) {
let value = e.target.value;
switch (value) {
case 'Deferred': {
this.grid.columnResizingMode = ColumnResizingMode.Deferred;
case 'Immediate': {
this.grid.columnResizingMode = ColumnResizingMode.Immediate;
case 'None': {
this.grid.columnResizingMode = ColumnResizingMode.None;
new DataGridColumnResizing();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample">
<div class="options horizontal">
<span class="options-label" style="width: 160px">Resizing Mode:</span>
<select id="columnResizingModeDropDown" class="options-label" style="width: 135px" >
<span class="options-label">Separator Width: </span>
<input id="separatorWidthRange" type="range" min=1 max=5 step="1" />
<div class="options horizontal">
<span class="options-label" style="width: 160px">Resizing Animation:</span>
<select id="columnResizingAnimationModeDropDown" class="options-label" style="width: 135px" >
height="calc(100% - 6rem)"
auto-generate-columns="false" >
<igc-text-column field="Name" width="*>150"></igc-text-column>
<igc-text-column field="Street" header-text="Address" width="*>165" ></igc-text-column>
<igc-text-column field="City" width="*>140" ></igc-text-column>
<igc-numeric-column field="Salary" positive-prefix="$" show-grouping-separator="true" width="*>140" ></igc-numeric-column>
<igc-date-time-column field="Birthday" ></igc-date-time-column>
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이 샘플이 마음에 드시나요? 당사의 완전한 Ignite UI for Web Components 툴킷에 액세스하여 몇 분 만에 나만의 앱을 빌드하기 시작하세요. 무료로 다운로드하세요.
Ignite UI for Web Components DataGrid의 열 크기 조정은 기본적으로 켜져 있으며 그리드의 columnResizingMode
속성을 사용하여 제어할 수 있습니다. 이 속성에는 세 가지 옵션이 있습니다. 각 옵션은 아래에서 설명합니다.
: 기본 옵션입니다. 크기를 조정할 때 열의 크기를 조정할 때 얼마나 커지거나 작아지는지를 보여주는 구분 기호가 나타납니다.Immediate
: 크기를 조정할 때 구분 기호가 없습니다. 열의 가장자리를 끌고 그에 따라 크기를 조정하면 열의 너비가 포인터를 따라갑니다.None
: 열 크기를 조정할 수 없습니다.
열 크기 조정이 Deferred
로 설정된 경우 표시되는 구분 기호는 그리드의 columnResizingSeparatorBackground
및 columnResizingSeparatorWidth
속성을 각각 사용하여 색상과 너비에서 수정할 수 있습니다.
크기 조정 모드가 Deferred
전용으로 설정된 경우 크기가 조정될 때 열에 애니메이션을 적용할 수도 있습니다. 이는 columnResizingAnimationMode
속성을 Interpolate
로 설정하여 수행됩니다.
그리드의 각 열은 개별적으로 크기를 조정할 수 있는지 여부를 결정할 수 있습니다. 특정 열의 크기 조정을 활성화하거나 비활성화하려면 해당 열의 IsResizingEnabled 속성을 설정하면 됩니다.
별 너비 열의 크기를 조정하면 해당 열이 고정 열로 변경됩니다.
코드 조각
다음 코드 조각은 Web Components 데이터 그리드에서 열 크기 조정을 구현하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 이 경우 Street 열은 크기 조정이 불가능합니다. 이 경우 열 크기 조정 구분 기호는 너비가 5픽셀이고 크기 조정이 가능한 열은 크기 조정 시 애니메이션이 적용됩니다.
import { ColumnResizingMode } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
import { ColumnResizingAnimationMode } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids';
<igc-data-grid id="grid"
column-moving-separator-width="5" >
<igc-text-column field="FirstName"></igc-text-column>
<igc-text-column field="LastName"></igc-text-column>
<igc-text-column field="Street" is-resizing-enabled=false></igc-text-column>
<igc-text-column field="City"></igc-text-column>
let grid1 = (document.getElementById("grid") as IgcDataGridComponent);
grid1.dataSource = data;