Defines the criterion for an [[IconSetConditionalFormat]] threshold.

This class provides the ability to override the default behavior of the associated condition for the threshold defined by this instance.

For example, the icon displayed for cell values which fall within this threshold is determined by the value of the [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]], but can be overridden using the [[icon]] property.

Similarly, the default unit for this criterion's value is percentage, but this can be overridden using the [[ConditionValue.valueType]] property. For example, to define the unit for the value as a specific number, assign a value of Number to the ValueType property.

The value for this threshold is defined by the parent condition, based on the total number of thresholds. For [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]] values which yield three thresholds, for example, the effective value is dependent on the threshold, so that each threshold represents approximately 33% of the associated range. This can be overridden using the [[CriterionBase.value]] property; for example, setting the ValueType property to Number and the Value property to a specific number overrides the behavior as defined by the parent condition, and forces the threshold boundary to the specific numeric value.

For this reason, the [[icon]], [[ConditionValue.value]], and [[ConditionValue.valueType]] properties support null values, and are in fact set to null by default; this is interpreted by the parent condition as "not set", resulting in the threshold criterion being determined solely by the parent condition.


  • [[icon]]
  • [[CriterionBase.value]]
  • [[ValueType]]
  • [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]]


Hierarchy (view full)



$type: Type
$t: Type
nextHashCode: number


  • get comparison(): ThresholdComparison
  • Returns or sets a [[comparison]] value which determines whether a "greater than" or "greater than or equal to" comparison is made when comparing cell values to the value of this instance.

    Returns ThresholdComparison

  • set comparison(a): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get formula(): Formula
  • Returns the formula which determines whether cell values meet the criteria defined by the associated condition.

    This property is only applicable when the [[valueType]] property is set to Formula.

    To assign a formula, use the [[setFormula]] method.



    Returns Formula

  • get icon(): FormatConditionIcon
  • Returns or sets a [[FormatConditionIcon]] value which identifies the icon displayed for this threshold as defined by the [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]] and [[index]] properties.

    By default, the icon displayed for this threshold is defined by the parent condition, via the value of the [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]] property.

    This property provides a way to override the default icon as defined by the parent condition.

    This property defaults to the appropriate value given the IconSet as defined by the parent condition and this instance's Threshold.


    • [[FormatConditionIcon]]
    • [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]]

    Returns FormatConditionIcon

  • set icon(a): void
  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • get iconSet(): FormatConditionIconSet
  • Returns a [[FormatConditionIconSet]] value which identifies the icon set that includes this icon (read-only).


    • [[FormatConditionIconSet]]
    • [[IconSetConditionalFormat.iconSet]]

    Returns FormatConditionIconSet

  • get value(): number
  • Returns the numeric value for this instance.

    This property is read-only; to assign a value type, use the [[setValue]] or [[setValue]] methods.

    Note that the unit of measure for this value is determined by the [[valueType]] property; for example, when ValueType is set to Number, the value is interpreted as a numeric value, but when set to Percentage, it is interpreted as a percentage.


    • [[valueType]]
    • [[formula]]
    • [[setValue]]

    Returns number

  • get valueType(): FormatConditionValueType
  • Returns a [[FormatConditionValueType]] value which specifies the manner in which the threshold values for this instance are determined.

    This property is read-only; to assign one of the following value types, use the [[setValue]] method:

    • AutomaticLowest
    • AutomaticHighest
    • LowestValue
    • HighestValue

    To assign a value type of Number, Percentage, or Percentileuse the [[setValue]] method.

    To assign a [[formula]], use the [[setFormula]] method.



    Returns FormatConditionValueType


  • Parameters

    • other: any

    Returns boolean

  • Returns number

  • Returns Base

  • Assigns the specified formula to the [[formula]] property, and assigns a value of Formula to the [[valueType]] property.


    • [[formula]]
    • [[valueType]]
    • [[Formula]]


    • formula: string

      The string representation of the [[formula]] to be assigned to the [[value]] property.

    • Optional cellReferenceMode: CellReferenceMode

      A [[CellReferenceMode]] value which specifies whether the 'formula' parameter should be interpreted as an A1 or R1C1 expression. This parameter is optional and defaults to null, in which case the [[Workbook.cellReferenceMode]] property is used.

    • Optional valueType: FormatConditionValueType

      A [[FormatConditionValueType]] value which specifies the manner in which the value returned from the formula is interpreted. This parameter is optional and defaults to 'Formula'.

    Returns void

  • Sets the [[valueType]] property to the specified [[FormatConditionValueType]] value.

    The 'valueType' parameter must be set to one of the following values or an exception is thrown:

    • AutomaticLowest
    • AutomaticHighest
    • LowestValue
    • HighestValue

    To set the [[value]] property to a numeric value, use the [[setValue]] method.

    To set the [[valueType]] property to Formula, use the [[setFormula]] method.


    Returns void

  • Sets the [[value]] and [[valueType]] properties to the specified values.

    To set the [[valueType]] property to Formula, use the [[setFormula]] method.

    To set the [[valueType]] property to a [[FormatConditionValueType]] value for which the [[value]] is not applicable, use the [[setValue]] method.


    • value: number

      The new value for the [[value]] property.

    • valueType: FormatConditionValueType

      The new value for the [[valueType]] property. Must be set to either Number, Percentage, or Percentile or an exception is thrown.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • item1: any
    • item2: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns any[]

  • Parameters

    • obj: any

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean