Web Components Carousel Overview

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Carousel is a responsive, lightweight component that provides the most flexible way to create slideshow-like web experience for users who navigate back and forth through a collection of images with text slides, links, and other html elements.

    The Web Components Carousel component allows you to use animations, slide transitions, and customization so you can easily tweak the interface and build Web Components custom carousel.

    The Web Components Carousel demo you see below shows slides containing only images.


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    First, you need to install the Ignite UI for Web Components by running the following command:

    npm install igniteui-webcomponents

    You will then need to import the IgcCarouselComponent, its necessary CSS, and register its module, like so:

    import { defineComponents, IgcCarouselComponent } from "igniteui-webcomponents";
    import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';

    For a complete introduction to the Ignite UI for Web Components, read the Getting Started topic.

    Now that you have the Ignite UI for Web Components Carousel imported, you can start with a basic configuration of the IgcCarouselComponent and its slides.

    Use the IgcCarouselComponent selector to wrap your slides. The slides may feature any valid html content inside, including other components.

            <img src="assets/images/carousel/ignite-ui-indigo-design.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/slider-image-chart.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/ignite-ui-charts.png"/>

    If you want a slide to be active by default, use the Active attribute:

        <igc-carousel-slide active>

    If no active slide is set, the first one will be set by default. If there are multiple active slides on initial rendering or subsequent updates, only the last one will be taken into account.

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    By default, the IgcCarouselComponent has its disableLoop property set to false (looping occurs when the first slide comes after the last by navigating using the Next action, or when the last slide comes after the first by using the Previous action). The looping behavior can be disabled by setting the value of the disableLoop property to true.

    <igc-carousel disable-loop="true">

    To keep track of each slide index, the carousel has indicators that are positioned at the end of the carousel by default. In order to change this behavior, use the indicatorsOrientation property and assign it to start.

    <igc-carousel indicators-orientation="start">

    By default, the IgcCarouselComponent displays its navigation buttons and indicators. Use the hideIndicators property to hide the indicators and the hideNavigation property to hide the navigation buttons.

    <igc-carousel hide-navigation="true" hide-indicators="true">

    The IgcCarouselComponent supports vertical mode. Use the vertical property to enable it.

    <igc-carousel vertical="true">

    Custom indicators

    To add Web Components custom carousel indicators, use the IgcCarouselIndicatorComponent:

            <span slot="active">❤️</span>
            <span slot="active">❤️</span>
            <img src="assets/images/card/media/the_red_ice_forest.jpg"/>
            <img src="assets/images/card/media/yosemite.jpg"/>

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Carousel component allows users to use different elements for the active and inactive state of a single indicator. It is mandatory to provide two elements for each slot (empty and active) when declaring an indicator, even if they are the same.

    Custom navigation buttons

    To achieve this, use the previous-button and next-button slots:

        <igc-icon slot="previous-button" name="previous" collection="material"></igc-icon>
        <igc-icon slot="next-button" name="next" collection="material"></igc-icon>

    Slide containing other components

    This carousel is going to contain slides with forms and images:

                <img src="assets/images/svg/carousel/SignUp.svg"/>
                    <igc-input type="text" placeholder="Username">
                        <igc-icon slot="prefix" name="person"></igc-icon>
                    <igc-input type="password" placeholder="Password">
                        <igc-icon slot="prefix" name="password"></igc-icon>
                    <igc-button type="reset">Sign In</igc-button>
                <img src="assets/images/svg/carousel/Route.svg"/>
                    <igc-input type="text" placeholder="Search">
                        <igc-icon slot="prefix" name="search"></igc-icon>
                    <igc-button type="reset">Search</igc-button>




    Animated slide transitions provide the end-users a nice experience when interacting with the carousel.

    The carousel is configured to use the slide animation by default, but it also supports fade as an alternative animation.

    Use the animationType property to change the animation.

    <igc-carousel animation-type="fade">

    Setting none to the animationType property disables the animations.


    The demo below demonstrates the different types of animations, which the carousel supports.


    Transition and navigation are the most important carousel features.

    The navigation in the carousel can be handled by the user through navigation buttons, indicators, keyboard navigation and touch interaction on mobile devices.

    Touch gestures

    By default, the carousel can be used on any touch-enabled device.

    The carousel animations are fully supported on touch devices, which makes the carousel consistent with any platform and great when used in progressive web applications (PWA).

    Keyboard navigation

    • Navigation buttons
      • Space/Enter key - navigates to the next/previous slide.
    • Indicators
      • Arrow Left key - navigates to the previous (next in Right-to-Left mode) slide.
      • Arrow Right key - navigates to the next (previous in Right-to-Left mode) slide.
      • Home key - navigates to the first (last in Right-to-Left mode) slide.
      • End key - navigates to the last (first in Right-to-Left mode) slide.

    Automatic transitioning

    The IgcCarouselComponent can be easily configured to change the slides automatically, without any user interaction. This way you can create your own slideshow by only setting a transition interval to the interval property, which determines the amount of time in milliseconds between slides transition.

    Hovering the mouse over any carousel content or moving keyboard focus to any of the carousel content pauses automatic transitioning. Automatic transitioning resumes when the mouse moves away from the carousel or when keyboard focus moves out of the carousel content. This can be prevented by setting disablePauseOnInteraction property to true.

    <igc-carousel interval="2000" disable-pause-on-interaction="true">

    Advanced Example

    Let's create a fully automated carousel with looping enabled. We will configure the indicators to be a thumbnail representation of each slide.

    To achieve this goal, we have to do the following configurations to the carousel:

    Our carousel will look like this in the template:

            <img class="blurred" src="assets/images/carousel/WonderfulCoastThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img slot="active" src="assets/images/carousel/WonderfulCoastThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img class="blurred" src="assets/images/carousel/CulturalDipThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img slot="active" src="assets/images/carousel/CulturalDipThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img class="blurred" src="assets/images/carousel/GoldenBeachesThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img slot="active" src="assets/images/carousel/GoldenBeachesThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img class="blurred" src="assets/images/carousel/IslandOfHistoryThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img slot="active" src="assets/images/carousel/IslandOfHistoryThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img class="blurred" src="assets/images/carousel/AmazingBridgeThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img slot="active" src="assets/images/carousel/AmazingBridgeThumb.png" width="50" height="60"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/WonderfulCoast.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/CulturalDip.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/GoldenBeaches.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/IslandOfHistory.png"/>
            <img src="assets/images/carousel/AmazingBridge.png"/>

    These configurations will have the following result:



    WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties

    • The Carousel base element role is region - section containing content that is relevant to specific purpose and users will likely want to be able to navigate easily.
    • Carousel indicators are with role tab - grouping label providing a mechanism for selecting the tab content that is to be rendered to the user
    • The element that serves as the container for the set of tabs (carousel indicators) is with role tablist.
    • Each slide element is set with role tabpanel.

    ARIA support

    • Attributes
      • aria-roledescription set to "carousel".
      • aria-live - used to set the priority with which screen reader should treat updates to live regions - the possible settings are: off and polite. The default setting is polite and is set to the element that serves as the container for the set of slides. When the interval option is set and the carousel is in playing state, the aria-live attribute would be set to off.
      • aria-label (navigation buttons) - "Previous slide"/"Next slide".

    Slide component

    • Attributes
      • id - follows the pattern "igc-carousel-slide-${incremented_number}".
      • aria-roledescription set to "slide".
      • aria-label follows the pattern "${index + 1} of ${total}".

    Indicator component

    • Attributes
      • aria-label follows the pattern "Slide ${index + 1}"
      • aria-selected set to true or false based on the active slide.

    API References

    Additional Resources