Angular Accordion은 클릭 가능한 헤더와 연관된 콘텐츠 섹션이 있는 수직 확장 패널을 구축하기 위한 GUI 구성 요소로, 단일 컨테이너에 표시됩니다. 아코디언은 일반적으로 단일 페이지에서 여러 콘텐츠 섹션을 스크롤할 필요성을 줄이는 데 사용됩니다. 키보드 탐색 및 기본 패널의 확장 상태를 제어하는 API를 제공합니다.
사용자는 썸네일이나 라벨과 같은 항목 목록 간에 상호 작용하고 탐색할 수 있습니다. 포함된 정보를 표시하기 위해 각 항목을 전환(확장 또는 축소)할 수 있습니다. 구성에 따라 한 번에 하나 또는 여러 개의 확장된 항목이 있을 수 있습니다.
다음은 FAQ 섹션의 기본 Angular Accordion 예입니다. 개별적으로 작동하는 섹션이 있는 아코디언으로 작동합니다. 여러 패널을 동시에 확장하는 동안 한 번의 클릭으로 각 텍스트 블록을 토글할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 이전에 열었던 섹션을 매번 숨기는 자동 확장 및 축소 패널 사이를 오가며 이동하지 않고도 정보를 더 쉽게 읽을 수 있습니다.
여기서는 igx-accrodion 및 해당 확장 패널을 정의하는 방법을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 이 샘플은 두 가지 유형의 확장 동작을 보여줍니다. 스위치 버튼은 한 번에 확장할 단일 분기와 다중 분기 사이를 전환하도록 SingleBranchExpand 속성을 설정합니다.
<igx-switch [(ngModel)]="singleBranchExpand">Single Branch Expand</igx-switch><articleclass="sample-wrapper"><igx-accordion #accordion [singleBranchExpand]="singleBranchExpand"><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>
What has changed about subscription and pricing model?
We have moved to a subscription-based pricing model for all our developer tools. This makes it easier
for you to manage your license subscriptions and allows us to provide a better level of service for you.
We updated our pricing and packages to provide you with flexible options and the best value. This
includes <ahref="">Ignite UI </a>(formerly Ignite UI for
JavaScript) which includes all of our JavaScript framework
components for web development, including: Angular, ASP.NET (Core and MVC), Blazor, JQuery, React and
Web Components), as well as Infragistics Professional, Infragistics Ultimate, our Ultimate UI products.
We also offer multi-year subscriptions options with a built-in discount, so you can see the value up
front. With these updates we are confident that we are providing the best platforms and the best price.
</igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>Who will the updated changes impact?</igx-expansion-panel-title></igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-body><divclass="body-container">
The license updates will impact all new and current customers using Ignite UI, Infragistics Professional
and Infragistics Ultimate. Specifically, we have also made updates to our product and packaging for
Ignite UI for JavaScript, Ignite UI for Angular, Ignite UI for React and Ignite UI for Web components.
For more information, please refer to this blog:
Changes to Ignite UI Product & Packaging</a>
The pricing has been updated for all products and packages. So, all new or additional licenses will be
sold based on our new pricing and packages. All existing license agreements will be honored and renewed
based upon the current agreement.
</div></igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>What is the difference between your old model and your current subscription
for Ignite UI?</igx-expansion-panel-title></igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-body>
For Ignite UI customers, we are moving away from NPM for licensed packages. The current NPM packages
will be replaced with packages that include a “Trial Version” watermark. Licensed packages for Ignite UI
will be available from our cloud hosted ProGet server.
For more information, please refer to this article:
from Trial to Licensed Ignite UI NPM Packages
</a></igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>What happens if I don't renew my subscription?</igx-expansion-panel-title></igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-body>
Any unlicensed or trial versions of Ignite UI for Angular, React and Web Components will now include
this watermark.
</igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>If I don't renew my subscription will
I still have access to previous versions of Infragistics products?
Any version of Infragistics software which you have downloaded can continue to be used perpetually.
Access to download any new or previous versions through our customer portal and package feeds will
require maintaining an active subscription by continuing to renew it.
사용하여 패널 접근자는 모든 항목을 포함하는 컬렉션에 대한 참조를 얻을 수 있습니다. 확장 패널의 아이들 igx-accordion.
@ViewChild('accordion', { static: true })
public accordion!: IgxAccordionComponent;
위에서 설명한 것처럼, SingleBranchExpand 속성을 사용하면 한 번에 단일 패널 또는 여러 패널을 확장할 수 있는지 여부를 설정할 수 있습니다.
Angular Accordion Animations
Angular Accordion은 패널의 확장 및 축소 동작에 대한 애니메이션을 지원합니다. 애니메이션 동작은 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 애니메이션은 각 확장 패널에 대해 개별적으로 설정할 수 있습니다. 그러나 IgxAccordionComponent 수준에서 모든 패널에 동시에 적용할 수도 있습니다. 이를 통해 사용자는 IgxAccordionComponent의 animations 속성을 통해 모든 섹션에 대한 애니메이션을 동시에 비활성화할 수 있습니다.
애니메이션과 관련하여 두 가지 옵션이 있습니다. 먼저 아코디언 구성 요소에 animationSettings 속성을 설정할 수 있습니다.
보시다시피 우리는 slideInLeft 그리고 slideOutRight 우리의 애니메이션 내장된 애니메이션 제품군 컨텐츠를 접을 때 컴포넌트 컨텐츠가 왼쪽부터 나타나고 오른쪽으로 사라지도록 합니다. 일부 애니메이션 매개변수를 재정의하여 애니메이션을 추가로 사용자 정의합니다.
<igx-switch [(ngModel)]="singleBranchExpand">Single Branch Expand</igx-switch><articleclass="sample-wrapper"><igx-accordion #accordion [singleBranchExpand]="singleBranchExpand"><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>
What has changed about subscription and pricing model?
We have moved to a subscription-based pricing model for all our developer tools. This makes it easier
for you to manage your license subscriptions and allows us to provide a better level of service for you.
We updated our pricing and packages to provide you with flexible options and the best value. This
includes <ahref="">Ignite UI </a>(formerly Ignite UI for
JavaScript) which includes all of our JavaScript framework
components for web development, including: Angular, ASP.NET (Core and MVC), Blazor, JQuery, React and
Web Components), as well as Infragistics Professional, Infragistics Ultimate, our Ultimate UI products.
We also offer multi-year subscriptions options with a built-in discount, so you can see the value up
front. With these updates we are confident that we are providing the best platforms and the best price.
Who will the updated changes impact?
The license updates will impact all new and current customers using Ignite UI, Infragistics Professional
and Infragistics Ultimate. Specifically, we have also made updates to our product and packaging for
Ignite UI for JavaScript, Ignite UI for Angular, Ignite UI for React and Ignite UI for Web components.
For more information, please refer to this blog:
Changes to Ignite UI Product & Packaging</a>
The pricing has been updated for all products and packages. So, all new or additional licenses will be
sold based on our new pricing and packages. All existing license agreements will be honored and renewed
based upon the current agreement.
What is the difference between your old model and your current subscription model for Ignite UI?
For Ignite UI customers, we are moving away from NPM for licensed packages. The current NPM packages
will be replaced with packages that include a “Trial Version” watermark. Licensed packages for Ignite UI
will be available from our cloud hosted ProGet server.
For more information, please refer to this article:
from Trial to Licensed Ignite UI NPM Packages</a></igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>
Common questions about renewal.
</igx-expansion-panel-title></igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-bodyclass="nested-accordion"><igx-accordion #nestedAccordion><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>
What happens if I don't renew my subscription?
Any unlicensed or trial versions of Ignite UI for Angular, React and Web Components will now
this watermark.
If I don't renew my subscription will I still have access to previous versions of
Infragistics products?
Any version of Infragistics software which you have downloaded can continue to be used
Access to download any new or previous versions through our customer portal and package
feeds will
require maintaining an active subscription by continuing to renew it.
Will I be automatically charged for my renewal/ Can I be automatically charged for
Any new subscriptions purchased online, via our eCommerce system, will renew automatically.
renewal can be canceled, at any time, before the next automatic renewal date. Subscriptions
directly from Infragistics or Infragistics' partners are subject to the renewal terms that
were agreed
upon as part of that purchase.
I split my work across two computers. Can I install on both using my single-user license?
The Infragistics Ultimate license is tied to the user, and not the computer. That means you're welcome
to install and use Ignite UI, Infragistics Professional, and Infragistics Ultimate on any computer you
use. However, if we notice a large number of activations using the same license, we may contact you to
verify this behavior.
I used up my trial for an earlier version of Infragistics Ultimate. Can I start a new trial when a
version is released?
Yes! If you have tried a previous version in the past, and used up your 30-day trial, you can try the
next major version for another 30 days! You can do this in the following two ways:
<ul><li>If you have days remaining in your 30-day trial period for the current version (e.g., the
Version 15.1 Volume Release), use the Check for Update option inside the Platform Installer or
your account. You will be able to start a fresh trial for the next major version (e.g., 20.1
Volume Release)</li><li>If you have used up the 30-day trial for the previous major version (e.g., the 19.2 Volume
Release), simply download and install Infragistics Ultimate from our <ahref="">website</a> (This will also allow you
to start a new trial.)</li></ul></igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel></igx-accordion></article>html
Ignite UI for Angular Accordion의 키보드 탐색은 최종 사용자에게 다양한 키보드 상호 작용을 제공합니다. 이 기능은 기본적으로 활성화되어 있으며 최종 사용자가 패널을 쉽게 탐색할 수 있도록 합니다. IgxAccordionComponent 탐색은 W3C 접근성 표준을 준수하며 사용하기 편리합니다.
주요 조합
Tab- 포커스를 첫 번째(포커스가 아코디언 이전에 있는 경우)/다음 패널로 이동합니다.
Shift + Tab- 포커스를 마지막으로 이동(포커스가 아코디언 뒤에 있는 경우)/이전 패널
아래쪽 화살표- 포커스를 아래 패널로 이동합니다.
위쪽 화살표- 포커스를 위 패널로 이동합니다.
Alt + 아래쪽 화살표- 아코디언에서 초점이 맞춰진 패널을 확장합니다.
Alt + 위쪽 화살표- 아코디언에서 초점이 맞춰진 패널을 축소합니다.
Shift + Alt + 아래쪽 화살표- 활성화된 모든 패널 확장(singleBranchExpand가 true로 설정된 경우 마지막으로 활성화된 패널 확장)
설계상 확장 패널이 igx-accordion 내에 배치되는 경우 확장 패널에 여백이 설정됩니다. 이를 수정하기 위해 igx-expansion-panel 테마 내에 노출된 속성이 있습니다. 테마 엔진이 제공하는 기능을 활용하려면 스타일 파일에 index 파일을 가져와야 합니다.
@use"igniteui-angular/theming" as *;
// IMPORTANT: Prior to Ignite UI for Angular version 13 use:// @import '~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index';scss
가장 간단한 접근 방식에 따라 and를 확장 expansion-panel-theme 하고 an,and $expanded-margin $body-color $header-focus-background 매개 변수를 허용하는 새 테마를 만듭니다.
<articleclass="sample-wrapper"><igx-accordion #accordion ><igx-expansion-panel><igx-expansion-panel-header><igx-expansion-panel-title>
What has changed about subscription and pricing model?
We have moved to a subscription-based pricing model for all our developer tools. This makes it easier
for you to manage your license subscriptions and allows us to provide a better level of service for you.
We updated our pricing and packages to provide you with flexible options and the best value. This
includes <ahref="">Ignite UI </a>(formerly Ignite UI for
JavaScript) which includes all of our JavaScript framework
components for web development, including: Angular, ASP.NET (Core and MVC), Blazor, JQuery, React and
Web Components), as well as Infragistics Professional, Infragistics Ultimate, our Ultimate UI products.
We also offer multi-year subscriptions options with a built-in discount, so you can see the value up
front. With these updates we are confident that we are providing the best platforms and the best price.
Who will the updated changes impact?
The license updates will impact all new and current customers using Ignite UI, Infragistics Professional
and Infragistics Ultimate. Specifically, we have also made updates to our product and packaging for
Ignite UI for JavaScript, Ignite UI for Angular, Ignite UI for React and Ignite UI for Web components.
For more information, please refer to this blog:
Changes to Ignite UI Product & Packaging</a>
The pricing has been updated for all products and packages. So, all new or additional licenses will be
sold based on our new pricing and packages. All existing license agreements will be honored and renewed
based upon the current agreement.
What is the difference between your old model and your current subscription model for Ignite UI?
For Ignite UI customers, we are moving away from NPM for licensed packages. The current NPM packages
will be replaced with packages that include a “Trial Version” watermark. Licensed packages for Ignite UI
will be available from our cloud hosted ProGet server.
For more information, please refer to this article:
from Trial to Licensed Ignite UI NPM Packages</a></igx-expansion-panel-body></igx-expansion-panel></igx-accordion></article>html