Row Actions in Web Components Grid

    The Ignite UI for Web Components Row Actions feature in Web Components Grid enables developers to use an IgcActionStrip and utilize CRUD for row/cell components and row pinning. There are several predefined UI controls for these operations that are applicable to a specific row in the IgcGridComponent – editing and pinning.


    The predefined actions UI components are:

    They are added inside the IgcGridComponent and this is all needed to have an IgcActionStrip providing default interactions.

    <igc-grid row-editable="true" primary-key="ID">
        <igc-column field="field"></igc-column>

    [!Note] When ActionStripComponent is a child component of the IgcGridComponent, hovering a row will automatically show the UI.

    Custom Implementation

    These components expose templates giving flexibility for customization. For instance, if we would like to use the IgcActionStrip for a Gmail scenario with row actions such as delete, edit and etc. You can simply create button component with icon, add click event to it and insert it into the IgcActionStrip.

        <igx-action-strip #actionstrip>
            <button title="Edit" igxButton="icon" igxRipple (click)='startEdit(actionstrip.context)'>
            <button title="Delete" igxButton="icon" igxRipple *ngIf='!isDeleted(actionstrip.context)' (click)='actionstrip.context.delete()'>
        <igc-action-strip #actionstrip>
            <igc-grid-editing-actions edit-row="true" delete-row="true"></igc-grid-editing-actions>

    API References

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